Thunder and lightning and tornadoes: Oh My!

Good evening LJ.

Welcome to Winter’s weather report! A tornado watch has been issued for our area until 12:00 AM CST. From this evening through midnight, we can expect to see severe thunderstorms capable of producing large hail, damaging winds and 2-4 inches of rainfall: a tornado or two can’t be ruled out. Pretty fun, huh? I should be a weather girl! When I was a teenager and through my early twenties, I dreamt of having a career in weather reporting. Ever since high school I’ve bene extremely interested in how the weather works and why certain conditions make it happen. There was a time I could identify each type of cloud and its properties. I had an unusual fascination with lightning and what makes it form. I loved looking at photos of tornados and watching videos of them developing. I love thunderstorms with a passion. Unfortunately, when you’re blind a job in weather reporting isn’t possible.

Today I met with my job coach, it went well but no luck on the job circuit yet. After speaking with her about extending my hours at the hotel she’s decided that we are going to talk to my boss together about it. She approached her before regarding this matter and my boss said that she’d love to give me more hours, but things needed to pick up a bit. Well, they have. All our rooms are full all this week, so I’d say that qualifies. Keeping things crossed that my boss says I can pick up a couple extra days, this would make me so happy. I truly do love my job there and the people I work with are the best.

Okay, well I need to run as these storms are getting pretty bad and they’re producing tornado warnings all over the place. I need to get dinner quick which will end up being Panera Bread because Kaylie’s craving it. The storms are getting closer but we have a little bit of time it appears. I just want to make sure our door dasher will be able to get back and I want to have things cleaned up in the kitchen before things hit us. If you are also in the path of severe storms please be safe.

Take care, I’ll write again soon.

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