And May the Fourth be With You

Greetings LJ.

What a beautiful day it will be! Today we are supposed to be in the sixties with plenty of sunshine and I’m excited for it. As I write this, I do believe I can hear a lawn mower in the background, a sure sign that spring along with the warmer weather has finally arrived. There are many things about spring that I love such as the return of chirping birds, the smell of freshly cut grass, warmer weather, sunshine returns in abundance, the birth of fresh flowers of many different scents’ sizes and colors and the leaves returning to the trees making everything green again as well as the grass. I’m not so fond of the bugs making a comeback but it goes along with the territory. I don’t like spiders, even the thought of them gives me the creepy crawlies. The bats also fly out again at night to say hello as well and I’m not a huge fan of those either. Overall though, it’s still one of my favorite seasons.

I’ve started watching this series that’s been out for a while called Heartland, it’s about this ranch named guess what? Heartland. Anyway, this ranch takes in horses that are hard to control or that have bene abused and the people at the ranch take care of them and train them for living and getting them used to people again. They teach them how to trust again. The girl who does all this training has inherited her mother’s gifts with horses and she’s a teenager. Think horse whisperer and you’ve got it. I’m not doing a particularly excellent job at explaining what the show’s about but it’s a good series as far as I can tell, then again, I’m only on the second episode of season one and I’m already hooked. I’ll try to put together a better report a bit later when I have seen more of the show.

So, I have figured out what colors I’m using in my house decorating. I have bene giving this lots of thought and arguing with myself in my head about it and I believe I’ve finally made some decisions. Apparently, I still have a bit to think about as you will notice when it comes to my bedroom colors. LOL! Right now, my bathroom is denim blue, but I’ll be changing it to lilac, peach and white. The living room is burgundy but I’m going to make the colors dusty blue and burgundy. I was thinking a dusty blue sofa with burgundy throw pillows and chairs to match. The kitchen is burgundy wine and white, that’s staying the same. I really like the idea of the wine décor; the only thing is it’s difficult to find wine salt and pepper shakers and the other necessary things I want to use. The master bedroom which is my room is going to be done in black, red, and gray or teal, ivory, and peach. I really can’t decide between the two. If I go with the first three colors, it will cater to my goth side but on the other hand if I go with the second choice of three it will look elegant and much brighter. Thoughts?

This next piece of news has me going, no way in another universe would I ever try this. Then again, how bad can it really be if it’s specially made for this beverage. Hmmm, maybe another funky food tasting episode? For those who don’t know what that is, it’s something a friend and I started doing a few years ago. We find foods or beverages that we’ve never tried and rate them according to what we think they taste like. We’re actually starting a blog where these episodes can be found. I’ll post the address here once we’ve got everything ready in case people are interested. Anyway, have an article about the cereal made for orange juice.

KEYC News Now: The orange juice brand is releasing Tropicana Crunch, a cereal specifically intended to be served with orange juice instead of milk.

So, would you try that?

I got some happy news at work on Sunday; I GOT A RAISE! I was so excited when my supervisor came to tell me. I mean everyone got their wages higher but still, I am so happy. A hole dollar raise, the most I had ever gotten raised before was a quarter, so this was excellent news to me. Now to see if I can find that second job as well. I keep searching but no luck thus far. There are things in the works but nothing to speak of really yet. Soon, I keep telling myself, soon.

I suppose I need to run off and see if I can’t find one of my other backpack purses to change to as the one, I was using is torn where the straps meet the bottom. This makes me incredibly sad as it’s my favorite. It’s white with the friend’s logo and it has the name of the place where they used to gather for coffee, and it has all their names on it. Friends was one of my favorite shows and still I watch reruns when they are on sometimes. Maybe I will see if I can order another from somewhere.

Take care everyone and may the fourth be with you.

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