Beautiful Day

Hello LJ.

Today was beautiful. I was greeted by the smiling sun and chirping birds; I think that there’s no better way to awaken than to warm sunshine and singing birds. The temps were a bit chilly but no matter, it was very cozy in my bedroom. There were three cats laying around me, Mia, Freya, and Luna were just waiting for me to get up and give them their morning treats. Our morning routine begins with me getting up and making a pitstop to, I’m sure you can guess where. Then it’s to the Living room where I turn on the TV and pet the cats. Then time to go off to the kitchen to get the treat jar and give the little princesses their first round of Temptations treats. Fresh water for said three princesses and more food comes next. After I do all of that I finally get to make my coffee and get my breakfast and then take my meds. This is what happens whether I work or not, my cats always come first because we are unpaid cat staff. Well, that and we love them very much. I promise I won’t write about my morning routine that often, boring. Yes? Yep. At least I think so, others may not think so, but I do. It’s because I live it daily. Anyway…moving on.

I’ve reverted to childhood for a bit, playing with Legos is super fun! I was trying to build this huge base for my fiancé, Kaylie. I failed spectacularly because it kept falling apart. I got a bit frustrated and put them away for a while, I might try again later. I never give up until I’ve exhausted all avenues no matter what it is I’m trying to accomplish, and I will tackle that base.

Last night I learned that Steve Harvey who is the host of Family Feud is a judge. This blew my mind; I wasn’t aware that he had degrees in law. Shows how much I know doesn’t it? Anyway, I found him when I was flipping through channels and the TV, and I just had to check him out to see what I thought of him as a judge. You know? He wasn’t bad at all. He made me laugh at the way he was managing the cases, Kitty equals amused. I intend to watch him as much as possible.

For a bit of serious news, I’d encourage you to look at this article. I’d also encourage people to please stop doing social media challenges and suggestions. They can be and are highly dangerous.

Bring Me The News: Wisconsin couple electrocuted while attempting art trend popular on social media.

I know what it’s like to take a challenge from social media and wish I’d never done it. A few years back I did the cinnamon challenge if you all remember that one. I literally thought and felt I might die. I couldn’t breathe causing me to panic which made things worse, I think I may have burned my vocal cords a bit as singing was a challenge at times, not to mention my ribs hurts for weeks due to all the coughing and choking I did during the challenge. Thank the gods for water as it was the only thing that helped me get through that one, there was a moment when I thought I was going to have to have a friend call 911, I’m glad I didn’t and that I made it through. The lesson it taught me was to never ever do the online challenges and to be cautious of taking dares. I was always one who’d never turn down a dare and now I’m incredibly careful about what dares I choose to accept. I’m ok now and have recovered from that and am back to singing but I have lost a bit of my high range, I’m not able to sing as high as I used to be able to all due to taking an online challenge. So, as I said, please don’t do them. It was extremely stupid of me to have done so. Now, back to the positive me.

A grocery store run took place so that I could kind of restock the kitchen. I say kind of because I still need more food, but I was trying not to have to carry too much since my trip took place on the back of a mobility scooter. Thank you Vampy! He’s got an impressive scooter that supports two people, so we go places with him from time to time. He’s been cool about giving us rides when he can and for that I’m extremely appreciative.

Now my day ends with just having eaten Taco John’s for dinner, I’m tired as well so I think an early night may be in order, so I’ll end here and go and chillax before going to bed.

Take care and I’ll write again soon.

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