Jobs and Homes: Not Yet

Time: 6:34 AM.
Mood: Tired.
Music: The Scorpions, Send Me an Angel.
Location: The Fox Den.

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening according to the part of the world you are in.

Sleep illudes me so here I am, updating you all on my not so exciting life. I’m smiling as I write this. I was trying to catch a few more zees but that isn’t happening and I’m not sure why. Wait, yes, I do. Luna won’t allow me peace. Oh, and happy belated birthday to Luna, she’s nine years old this year. Seems like it was so long ago that I brought her home. I actually thought she was a year older than she is, I had to think about her age when her birthday came. I feel so bad about that, Poor kitty. Bad cat slave. Anyway, she got lots of extra treats and much love. It’s my belief that she had a good day.

It’s currently 37 degrees here with a wind chill of 32, the positive to that though is that it’s supposed to get into the fifties and the birds are singing so therefore I am happy. I haven’t made my coffee yet…Mmmmm, coffee. I think I’ll take a quick break to make some. Yes, I shall do this thing.
Okay, I have my coffee so hopefully I will be able to function much better and stop feeling so silly from tiredness. For Christmas Kaylie got me a Keurig Duo and I absolutely adore it! I now have the option to make either a one serving k-cup or an entire twelve cup pot. BEST XMAS PRESENT EVER!!! Speaking of coffee, Kaylie and I have come up with a name for coffee and hot chocolate mixed. I know it sounds weird but it’s tasty. We call it, are you ready? Chofflee. Word’s telling me it’s spelled wrong, but it isn’t, that’s how we spell it. CHOFFLEE. That’s not what I made though, I’m drinking hazel nut coffee, I love this flavor, it’s om nom nom.

Well let’s see, what’s happening in my world presently?

• The job hunt continues.
1. Land to Air.
This past Tuesday my job coach came over and we filled out an application for Land to Air. They said that once things speed up again, they’ll consider me and give me a call. They figure things will get busier in the late spring or summer months.
2. The Creative Company.
This job entails gathering books to pack in boxes to get shipped out to schools and families who place orders for them, at least that’s how I understand it. I guess they are starting to bring more people on so now I’m just waiting to see if there’s something for me to do there.
3. Taylor Corp.
My job coach tells me there are lots of things that they’re looking for but she’s trying to see what might be a good fit for me. We’re not sure about this one yet.
4. V Tech.
This is the newest one she spoke to me about. I think she said it’s called V Tech at any rate. Again, this would be more packing of boxes and putting parts in bags in preparation for shipping out.
Those are the current four we are looking into. I will take the first available, but my first choice would be Land to Air. A lot of companies are seeking full time workers and I’m not willing to quit my job at the hotel to do full time because I love my job there. Does this make me a horrible person? I don’t believe it does, there’s nothing wrong with loving your work. I’m not totally closed off to the possibility though if I had to I would. The one thing I simply refuse to do is give up, I will not quit searching for that second job.

• Possible New Homes
• There is a bit of news here, the housing guy came to do more inspections of this place we are living in now. He has concluded that everything has bene fixed properly. I explained to him that our lock is still messed up and he looked at it. He said Well, it locks so therefore it’s fixed. Those weren’t his exact words; I’m having to paraphrase because I don’t remember what he actually said as I’m still to upset over it to recall them. He claims the fan in the bathroom works now but it still doesn’t. I pointed out the cracking and moving kitchen floor and all he said was, I’ll ask them if they have any plans to fix it. Again, paraphrasing is a thing. According to him though everything’s as it should be now except for the floor. It’s so frustrating, I don’t know what else to do so moving will definitely be a thing. I mean it always was but now I have absolutely no more doubts in my mind this needs to happen.
Now having given you all that update I’ve found a possible home. There are townhomes not too far from where we are now that I’m looking into. I need to do a bit more research, but they aren’t that old, only a few years Vampy said. (Vampy equals Flint for those who didn’t know). Anyhow they sound pretty nice, but I’ve got to make some calls and ask some questions before I make a final decision and we want to view them before deciding as well.
My other option is back to the building where we lived before, the only thing about that place is I’m not sure I wish to deal with all the paranormal activity there since they’ve remodeled. I’m don’t know how many of my readers believe in the paranormal, but I’m told that even new people who have been moving in there have said they’ve been experiencing things. Kaylie’s mother’s apartment is haunted, she has told us of things happening there. I know how to deal with things, but I don’t know that I want to. I’m filling out an application for that place anyway and will move there as a last resort. Anything would be better than staying here where we are now. Good thing Kaylie also knows how to deal with the spirit world, she can help me.

Man, I’ve run out of steam now and want to sleep again but I cannot. I have to get ready for work this morning. It’s currently 9:02 AM and I work at 10:30.

Writing this entry has taken forever but I took a rest to eat my breakfast, leftover pizza FTW! (For the win).

Alright, I’d better be off now. I’ll write again when I don’t feel so scatter brained, a nap may be in order once I get home from work.

Take care everyone and I’ll update again soon.
Much love and positivity to you all.

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