Hi Ho, Winter the Kitten Here

Mood: Optimistic
Location: Somewhere between here and there
Listening to: I’m Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance


I hope this entry finds you all well, I’m doing alright for 6:58 in the morning. I haven’t slept a whole lot but it’s okay. I’m on teamtalk at moment With the dove, we’re having fun hanging out and listening to Spotify. Hello emo playlists! :P.

So what have i been up to lately? Not too terribly much actually.
On Tuesday March 16, Emmy and I are scheduled to receive our Covid-19 vaccine. I’m not sure how I feel about this, on one hand I know that it is something that needs to be done and on the other I’m afraid. I’m not worried because of all of the conspiracy theories out there but due to the shots rapid release. Usually it takes years for vaccines to be tested and tried for side affects and the three that are out now haven’t been out that long. The comforting knowledge is that there have been many people who have gotten the shot and they are okay with minimal side affects. We are hoping that we can get the Pfizer vaccination as it is the most effective but we will take which ever they have for us. I was told that we could reschedule if we didn’t want the one they had that day but if we did that there’s a chance they still might not have the Pfizer one and it could take a while to get in again. I do know I’m glad to be doing my part to keep myself and others safe, I still mask up when I go out and I wash my hands like crazy. Getting the coronavirus once was enough for me, I don’t want that stuff again. No way! To those who have gotten their shot already, awesome! I’m glad you are all alright.

Last week we had our first thunderstorm of the season! It wasn’t much but it was still exciting for me, I absolutely love storms as long as they don’t turn tornatic. I just wish I could still see the lightning, I used to love to sit and watch it. There’s something really beautiful about the way it looks, I get chills thinking about it. We had temps in the fifties and sixties and now we are under a winter storm warning, it’s hard to rap my head around. I shouldn’t be too surprised though, I do live in Minnesota and the weather here is so unpredictable at times. We are expecting to see 5-8 inches of the awful white stuff. Sorry to those who love snow but I dislike it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty and all but it makes travel difficult for us here where we live because they aren’t very good at cleaning off the sidewalks and if they do they block the corners so it makes it almost impossible to cross the street. Hopefully this will be the last snow fall of the season. Technically it is still winter time I suppose.

I have finally started meeting with my job coach again as of this past Thursday. It has been a while since i lost saw her but it’s understandable with the state of things as they are at the current moment. It is really tough to think of searching for jobs right now due to the fact that even the sighted people are having trouble finding jobs. I don’t say that to be negative, it’s just the truth. We did find a couple of possible jobs though but i don’t wish to say what yet until I know what I’m doing. We have a few questions that we need to ask regarding one of them and i don’t know how it’s going to end. I am keeping an open mind and a positive outlook on things though. We are meeting next Wednesday again so hopefully I will have some answers then.
I’m a bit upset however because at the end of this month I’m being transfered to someone new. I feel that I’m getting passed around from one person to another and it makes it tough because it’s like having to start all over again. I’m thinking the positive from this is that maybe the new person will know better how to work with a blind person as my current job coach has admitted to me that she’s never worked with a sight impaired person before. Personally for never having worked with someone who is blind she has done a really grate job of helping me with the search for work. No, that’s not me being sarcastic either, I mean that from the bottom of my gothic vampyric heart.

I’ve been thinking of school again, I truly want to do this thing. If only I could somehow get my remaining balance paid off so that they would send my transcripts to my college of choice…I know some of you may be thinking well you are getting a stimulus check, you could use that. Believe me, I have seriously thought of doing just that but I have also considered paying off old credit card debt as well. If only I hadn’t allowed my ex to help max out my cards I wouldn’t be in this position. The promises of “I’ll pay you back” were just empty words. I shouldn’t have allowed it and I do take responsibility for my part in this as well. Life would be much easier if I had just said no. Ah well, I can’t dwell on the past, i just need to figure out how to move forward from here to achieve my goals. There are a couple of things I’d like to go to college for, social work and Ais (american indigenous studies) like i had first planned but then there’s foreign language interpreting. I took three years of Spanish in high school so I’d like to continue that. I’d pretty much be starting over as i haven’t used it in ages but I’m definitely up for the challenge and the other plus to that is I have someone to speak with so I wouldn’t get rusty with it again. I’ll have to give this some serious thought.

Well, I don’t have anything else at the present so I’ll close out for now. I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with love, joy, peace and positivity.


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