Good Lord it’s February!

Good morning readers.

LISTENING TO: Bullet Boys – Livin’ on a Prayer

I hope this entry finds you well, I’m well enough with no complaints. I’m sitting here listening to hair metal which for those of you who know me knows that it’s my favorite genre of music. The album is called 101 Power Ballads. I do not currently own this album but I must. I’m playing it on Amazon music, shameless plug!

Well, today we say goodbye to January and greet February. I find myself asking where has the last month gone? Time just keeps flying by and at times it makes me feel a little sad. Why? I’m not to sure; I just know that it does. Maybe it’s the whole “the older you get the faster time flies” thing. By today’s standards I’m not really that old though I keep telling myself that I am. When will I ever learn to stop judging myself? Ah, the questions of life that I cannot answer. I truly am in a good mood, I promise.

Things seem to be looking up when it comes to the housing stuff. We had to get legal aide involved and the city building inspector as well. Finally they have taken care of some of the maintenance issues. We now have a lock on our back door though the dude put it on upside down and he took the lock from the upstairs back door. The second bedroom now has a new door but that also came from upstairs. The refrigerator has new door strips that hold the food in that…yup you guessed it…came from upstairs as well. This totally annoys me because now the upstairs place will get new things and we are stuck with the old. Some of you may say just be glad it got taken care of and yes, I am happy but why couldn’t we have gotten the new stuff as promised? They put in all new things upstairs and we get stuck with used. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with having used things, I shop at thrift stores for goodness sake and am proud to announce it but for once why can’t people keep their promises? Anyway, off that rant, things are getting repaired and I suppose in the grand scheme of things that’s all that really matters. After our lease is up, we are considering a move, I have called this place called The Sibley Park Apartments but that’s a no right from the start because they don’t’ allow pets and I’m not giving up my cats. The hunt will continue, we’d like to get into a house, an honest to goodness house. Emmy’s mother has suggested that we leave Mankato and head for Rochester, I think we are considering it because of Emmy’s Trans care. We will see though.

On the job front I have found nothing as of yet, I didn’t really expect to with covid-19 still a thing. I haven’t given up looking though at times I want to. I’m not one to throw in the towel so easily. If I could find something from home, that would be perfect. I suppose me and everyone else searching for work is thinking the same way. I still need to do my brush up on Microsoft Xcel that would definitely help with finding work. Almost everywhere I have looked needs you to be proficient with Microsoft office and I am not, I’d like to be though.

My cat Ozzy turned eighteen years old On January eighteenth this year. For his age he’s not doing too badly, he’s moving a bit slower than he used to and his fur’s matted because I don’t think he’s grooming like he should. I will be taking him to the vet this month to get that resolved and I’m going to put him back on Glucosamine for his joints. Hopefully he will feel much better afterwards. I’m also going to invest in a heated cat bed for him because he gets cold easily and once he’s been shaved, because I’m certain that’s what the vet is going to suggest I have done he will need a place to keep warm. My poor old man. He’s still eating and drinking so that’s a good thing, I’m so afraid that he’s going to leave us soon and I’m definitely not looking forward to it, but no one looks to the time when they will end up losing a member of their family do they? I’m just going to enjoy the time I have left with him. I try not to think about it and still love and care for him like normal. I do love my little man, my little old man.

I signed up for a year of distrokid! As soon as I can I’ll get my songs uploaded and I will be able to be heard on all of the music platforms! I’m kind of excited and scared both about this. I’m hoping all goes well with it, my artist name is Winter Rose, I’ll update you all when I have done.

Well I suppose that’s all for now. I’ll try and write again soon. I truly do want to keep up with this thing this year so I will try hard to do this thing. I can’t promise but I’ll definitely make a grate effort.

You all take care of yourselves and each other.
I hope you all have an amazing day filled with love, joy, peace and positivity. Believe in yourself, be kind to yourself, be good to yourself, tell yourself that you are somebody and that no one can bring you down. To me you matter and you are good enough, you are loved, you are cared for, you are beautiful and you are wonderful. My wishes for you are peace, happiness, love, joy, a happy home and hearth and a lifetime of friendships that are true and never end. Have a grate day all and always let your bright lights shine, don’t’ let anyone darken them.


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