Bye Bye 2020!

Happy New Years eve!

Ok so it’s already 2021 for some of you, happy new year to those already in 2021!

Just wanted to write this to give a huge goodbye and good riddance to 2020, I’m so done and over it and am ready for it to go away. May 2021 be your year, may you be blessed and may the new year bring lots of good things to all.

We didn’t do much for the end of the year for a celebration. We were supposed to have a friend over but he got sick and so we just ordered McDonalds and hung out on Tt.

I don’t really have a year end review as not much happened this year what with lock down and the coronavirus. I was unlucky enough to have it back in May and let me tell you it wasn’t fun at all. Thank goodness I was able to recover from it at home, for that I’m thankful. I think that was the biggest thing that happened this year. I still don’t have my full sense of smell and taste back yet but they’re returning slowly.

Anyway, I’m sorry this is so short but I’m tired and don’t have a lot of energy right now, not even for writing which is sad.

Have a good night everyone and no matter what you may be doing to celebrate I hope you are being safe.
Have fun! And I’ll write again next year.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Winter the vampiress

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