The End of Another Decade and Highlights

Life’s highlights from 2019

Happy New Years Eve to all!

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone, not only the year but a decade as well. Where have the past ten years gone? I was going to attempt to do an end of decade review but I’m not sure I can remember back that far. I’m having a case of CRS as of late. For those who don’t know what that means, (can’t remember shite). Let’s see what I can remember.

2010: Started working for Land to Air.
2011: Got a new computer built by Flint.
2012: Got into a relationship that sucked, legally changed my name, and got an eviction notice at the end of that year due to roaches that didn’t start in our apartment. They came down from up above us from the nasty neighbors.
2013: We went our separate ways and moved out of Spring Street which was mentioned above and got into a relationship that didn’t last very long.
2014: Got diagnosed with cancer and had an opporation to have it removed.
2015: I kissed my best friend’s girlfriend and she liked it.
2016: I left Land to Air, that was one of the biggest mistakes I have made.
2017: I moved to a new apartment building, we lost Megan, I dated someone and we broke up same year and I had a roomate for a while.
2018: I met Farah in January, started dating Farah in March, my roommate moved back home in April, Farah came to visit in May, Farah and her mother moved in September to Minnesota and in November we as a couple cooked our first Thanksgiving dinner together.
2019: Beginning of a new year.

Thanks to Flint for the help with the decade part of this entry.
Now for the year end review of a fallen angel’s life.

Got engaged to Farah on February 13th 2019.
Moved from a 1-bedroom apartment in to a 2-bedroom at the end of March.
Found out in June that my birth mother passed away.
Farah had knee surgery in June so I helped to take care of her while she was recovering.
Found out on July fourth that my grandmother passed away in March while she was visiting Arizona.
Started seeing a nutritionist in July and changed a few things in my diet due to this.
Moved into a townhouse at the end of July.
Had an awesome birthday in August.
Got a job in August working for
Met Farah’s grandmother at the end of August/beginning of September. She got here August 28th and had to leave September, a week later due to Hurricane whats her name hitting Florida.
Lost said job in September due to inaccessibility issues. Of course when you’re only called in once a week or so to try and work out things and not more often, it makes it hard to work out all the kinks.
Dropped Debra in September due to low self-esteem, she only made me feel worse and i couldn’t handle it anymore.
Went to ER in October due to a heart issue scare, doctor on call found nothing abnormal and couldn’t find a thing wrong.
I had to wear a heart monitor in November and found out that nothing was wrong with my heart at all.
Went to Pine Island for Thanksgiving in November.
Filled out an application to move back to Colonial Square.
Became a grate aunt on December 12 to a little one named Freya Lynn.
Caught a nasty cold after going to Pine Island to celebrate Xmas which I am dealing with now.

Started studying orcas and the treatment of them in captifity, believe me I’d never go to Sea World. No containment for entertainment!
Got back into studying and researching dolphin behaviors and became a strong voice for the dolphin hunts in Taiji Japan. If you read my public twitter account you’ll see what i mean. My public one is @GothicFairie89
Lost and gained a few friends this year. I miss the ones I’ve lost but it happens and life goes on. I think the one that hurts the most is the one who said that she didn’t think it was a good idea to remain friends with me because we were to much alike in the ways that we suffered the same abuse. You’d think that that would make people want to stick together to be sort of a support system for you but there you have it. I’m ok with this i realize, I don’t need people like that in my life.

It’s been an interesting past 10 years in my life or so I think at any rate. LOL! May there be many more years to come.

No matter what you are doing to celebrate tonight I hope that you have a safe and fun New years eve!
We were going to have a small party but due to both of us being sick and our brother now sick we had to cancel. This makes me sad but we shall make up for it later. Have a grate night and I’ll see you in 2020!

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a must for your mental health.

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