A Happy Holiday Season

Dear Readers,

I’m sorry I haven’t written anything new up until now but I’ve been on a mood rollercoaster ride for a bit and when I get like that I don’t feel like doing much at all. I’m feeling much better as far as that goes, now I’m just fighting off a nasty cold that I caught over Xmas while visiting Farah’s mother. Poor Farah caught it as well and so we’ve both been sick for the past few days or so. Man I tell ya, when it rains it pours. Enough about that though, I hope you all have had a happy holiday season.


We went to see Farah’s mother and got stuck in Pine Island due to wintery weather. We weren’t too thrilled about this but we had like three days of Thanksgiving food, leftovers are grate but by the end we were tired of ham and all the other sides we made. We watched the new How The Grench Stole Christmas and it was actually pretty cute. We did have fun while there but we were so glad to be getting home. Farah and I did end up shopping with Mom’s help for each other’s Xmas gifts during the Black Friday sales, that was fun!

Christmas time was here.

For Xmas we went to Farah’s mother’s again, originally she was going to come here but it was decided that since we ordered all the gifts and had them delivered to her house that we’d just go there. Luckily no winter storms trapped us up there. We had fun though. From Farah I got a reborn boy that we named Jameson Charles and a charm bracelet with four different charms to go on it. The first charm was a heart that matches my necklace that she got me for Valentine’s day this year, the second was a curled up kitten, the third was a dream catcher and the fourth was an orca that was hand made. The orca was painted in grate detail, it’s beautiful and it came with a certificate of authenticity. Farah and her mother tried to find a shamrock but they all looked as if they’d come from the bubble gum machine and they also tried to find me a shoe but they too looked awful. I’ve always wanted a charm bracelet or a charm necklace since i was little, I’m amused that I finally got one as an adult.
From me, Farah got an Xbox 1S, legos, modeling clay and some figit things. One of the things is called flarp and I think it is one of the most nasty things I’ve ever touched! It sort of has the consistency of snot. I know, nasty. She has this thing with trying to rub it onto my skin and when I freak out she laughs. It makes the grossest sounds as well. Farah loves it though.
From myself and Farah, mom got a new phone and a new case to go with it and a fairy calender which we’ve decided to make a yearly tradition. The calender that is, not the phone and case.
Since Mom’s friend Terry had no where to go for Xmas, mom invited her and her son over to have dinner with us. Mom was so sick but she was a rockstar on Xmas day. Even though she was suffering and was having trouble breathing she got up and cleaned house and made dinner for all of us. We helped her where she’d allow it but otherwise she was telling us to get the hell out of her way. LOL! Sean who is Terry’s son was very nice, the only thing we didn’t like was when he started talking about how back in his day as a marine it was ok to beat up gays and send them to the hospital. He and mom were talking about how it’s not natural to be gay or lesbian or bi. That pist off both myself and Farah.
All-in-all though, it turned out to be a grate Xmas. I just wish mom would have kept her sickness to herself. She feels really bad that Farah and me got sick. We’re not angry at her, it couldn’t be helped.
I watched Frozen for the first time while at Mom’s and have decided that it is one of my favorite Disney movies, Farah and I are wanting to go see Frozen Two as a date. Yay for date nights which we don’t have enough of.
I’m so happy that Xmas is done now, it really does start way to early in the year.

Tomorrow I’ll try to right again, we’ll have to see how I feel. I’d really like to write one last time before the year ends.

I know this is short but I need to go and lay down again I think, I’m so stuffed up and can’t breathe out of one of my nostrils or as I like to call them snotsils. I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and hopefully I’ll write again tomorrow.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a good thing.

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