First Date: Part One

12:48 AM 3/2/2019

Good morning or late late evening, it all depends on how you wish to look at the time.

There is nothing conventional when it comes to the relationship between the fox and myself. Almost everything we have done so far has been backasswards. We began dating before we met, he comes to visit back in May of 2018, he then moves here in September of 2018 and we just recently became engaged. I say this because tonight we went on part one of our two day date. We’ve never been on a date until tonight. It was fun though, we went to the mall and shopped at Payless shoe store as they’re going out of business. This makes a kitten very sad but what can you do? I found a couple pairs of shoes I really liked and so Fox told me to go ahead and get them. After that we went to Riddle’s Jewlry and looked at bridal sets. They had a lot of nice rings and very pretty. I found a set I absolutely love! Once we were done there we went to Taco Bell for some dinner. Yeah I know, most people wouldn’t go to Taco Bell for a dinner date but as I have stated our relationship is unconventional. We came home and that ended the date for tonight. Tomorrow we are going to have part two of our date. We’re going back to the mall and we’re going to have lunch at A&W and then we’re going to see the movie Alita: Battle Angel. The description of the movie says: “Set several centuries in the future, the abandoned Alita is found in the scrapyard of Iron City by Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor who takes the unconscious cyborg Alita to his clinic. When Alita awakens, she has no memory of who she is, nor does she have any recognition of the world she finds herself in. As Alita learns to navigate her new life and the treacherous streets of Iron City, Ido tries to shield her from her mysterious past.” It sounds interesting so i’m looking forward to going to see it. Fox and I plan to have more dates, just the two of us. We’ve decided this is something we feel we need. It’s not because our relationship is getting bad or anything, we just want to do this for ourselves and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

So I do have another job prospect, I’m just hoping this pans out this time. If I get this job it will be working for Social Cecurity. For now it’s only temporary but if they like me they would hire me on permanently with room for advancement. I’m keeping my fingers and toes and anything else I can crossed.

The new Coke came out on the 25th of February. It’s the new Orange Vanilla flavor, we got our paws on some today and it is so gooooooood! It will be interesting to see if Pepsi can live up to the challenge, they haven’t announced a new flavor yet but I’m pretty sure they will come out with one since Coke did. You know, competition and all.

The date is set!
Fox and I have set a wedding date, we have chosen May 30, 2020. We’re hoping that this will work but if not it will be alright. It’s what we are aiming for, we’re hoping for an outdoor wedding. We have chosen Springlake Park to hold the ceremony. We aren’t sure yet about the reception but we’re working on that as well. We still have tons to do before then and I’m hoping we can get it all done. Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn into bridezilla or anything like that. I’ll keep you all updated as we go along.

Well, I’ve nothing more for now and plus I’m getting sleepy. You all ahve a good rest of your night or day and i’ll be back again soon.
Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

The excited Trinity Jade XO

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