How to Make a Shamrock Shake

Good evening everyone who are reading this thing.

Before I get to the reason for this post…

Yes you read that write, I am now an engaged woman and I couldn’t be happier. About midnight on the 13th of February my fox asked me to marry him and I said yes. We told his mother today and already she wants us to set a date for 2020. It’s sort of overwelming to think about marrying next year but we’re also pretty excited about it. I don’t know what the date is yet but once we decide I’ll post and let you all know.

Now for the reason for writing.

On twitter a few of us were talking about the shamrock shake from McDonalds and how it’s already out for St. Patrick’s day. I mentioned that I have a recipe for how to make one and I thought that for those that want it I’ll post it here.



3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon mint extract
Green food color gel or paste recommended
2 cups whipped cream


1. Combine the ice cream, milk, mint extract and food coloring in a blender and pulse until combined. Add more green food coloring as desired.
2. Transfer the shakes to serving glasses, then top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately.

I have made these before and instead of using vanilla ice cream I used chocolate chip. It came out really yummy.

That’s all for tonight, I’ll return when I have more to write about.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

Trinity Jade

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