I Have Chosen


So for those of you who follow me on twitter you have already seen the name I have chosen to use. I have decided to use the name Trinity Jade. I think that by bringing back an old name I once used online would help others get used to the switch, but then again maybe not. I have always liked Trinity for a name and once i heard the name Jade I fell in love with that name as well. There were a couple of people that said they like Trinity over Farrah, admittedily so do I. Farrah is a very pretty name but when I thought about it I wondered if I could see myself being called that for the rest of my life and the answer came back no. Maybe once i get another reborn girl I can name her Farrah Shianne. So…Trinity it is.

On a side note…my Patriots won the super bowl! I know a lot of you don’t approve of my choice of team that I choose to cheer on but that’s alright, on the other hand there are those who do approve.

So anyway the name battle’s finally over! Thank goodness. I know there are some that will say “yeah right” but you’ll see.

Ok, I’m out for now. I am going to go and check on a sick Emmerel, poor thing.

Bye for now. Be good to yourselves and to each other.

Trinity Jade

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