Morning Storms

Oh morning thunderstorm, how I do love thee.
I woke up this morning to more storms, unfortunately this puts a hold on my plans for the day but tis alright. I was going to go and meet Flint for lunch but due to the fact that his transportation is a mobile scooter and the rain would destroy it he hasn’t yet made it to campus. Not only that but the lightning makes it difficult for me as well because i won’t go in water during storms and before i go out I like my showers. So instead of getting ready to go I’m sitting here watching Star Trek Voyager and happily listening to the thunder and rain.

I have decided to jump on the Mastodon band wagon. This in no way means that I’m leaving Twitter but I thought that I’d give it a whirl. I have figured out how to do some things but not everything. I’m wondering if there’s an app I can download on my phone to make it easier to use and I’ll be looking into that soonishly. My user name is, so if you like you may add me there. Also I’m wondering if there’s a way to connect it with Twitter? I’ll be looking into that as well. I have seen other’s post to twitter from it so I’m sure there is, it’s just finding the way to do so.

Those of you who know me and know me well know that I absolutely love the hairband era and power ballads. The two lists I’m about to share with you have lots of great power ballads and I have to say that I do not agree with some on both lists.

I love all of the songs on this list accept for one, then again I’ve never cared for Stryper.

Now the 40 best.

Did you find some you either agreed or disagreed with? Most of the songs I totally love.

Well I’m hungry so I’m going off to figure out food and drink. I hope you all have a good rest of your day.
Take care of yourselves and each other. XO

Annika Kitten

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