Ezran Fox is Coming Home

OMG! OMG! OMG! It appears that Ezran will be home in September after all! I’m so excited and beyond happy! I knew this last night but it just hit me today, I think I was extremely tired and couldn’t think straight…that and I wasn’t feeling very well. I was cold and had a horrid bout of nausea, it was awful. Now though? I’m hyper and awake and alert and feeling fine and I have had coffee and OMG! Hurry up September and get here! Thank you to those who have made this reunion possible, I cant’ wait to see him. I have missed him so much. There aren’t enough words to express what I’m feeling so thank you so so so so much.

So what has the overly excited and hyper Annika been up to today?
I have been cleaning out my cupboards and getting rid of things I don’t need/want anymore…I’m pretty sure it’s confusing my poor cats because they keep jumping up on the table that I’m packing boxes on. I keep telling them that no, we are not moving yet but we will be at some point but not at the present time. I’m getting boxes ready to take to the thrift shops for donating to those who might want it or can use it. I have fun cleaning out cupboards and closets for this reason. I have a bunch of things that need to go down to my storage unit as well but I need to get some totes for that as I don’t want to use the current boxes my things are in because of possible bugs and spiders getting into it. If I get some airtight totes it will keep insects and mice out and my stuff safe. I’m pretty sure we don’t have mice but one never knows.

I have been reliving my 80s hair band days with Spotify, it’s great! I so want to do a broadcast and play this stuff. I don’t believe I’ll ever get past that genre of music. LOL! No matter what decade it is I’ll always have a spot for it. Metal forever! \m/

Yesterday Marie and Donaven came over and gave me a belated birthday present. She told me she was at a mystic fair and she saw this necklace and thought of me because i love dragons. The way she described it to me was it’s a black chain and hanging from it is a pendant and in the center of the pendant there’s a black dragon with purple wings. I was excited about it as I love dragons and one of my favorite colors is purple. Very cool, I cant’ wait to wear it. I will get the opportunity to do so tomorrow as I’ll be going out. I don’t generally wear necklaces around the house because my cats like to be held and when they are in my arms they play with my chains if i’m wearing one. Naughty kitties but I love them anyway.

Well at any rate I’m going to go back to my cleaning and packing boxes while the fox is still sleeping. I hope you all have a good night and I’ll write again soon.

Please take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

The happy and excited Annika Kitten

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