My Birthday

Good afternoon everyone.

Currently i’m sitting here watching Titanic…yes I know the ship sinks…but for lack of anything else to watch I’m watching this sad movie again, that and i’m sitting on teamtalk listening to my love sleeping. I hope he is sleeping well and with out bad dreams.

I had a great birthday though this getting older thing really is for the birds. I don’t feel any older than I did the day before my birthday, you are after all only as old as you feel. As for me, I choose to feel younger. :D.
So let’s see, for my birthday I received Star Trek Voyager the complete series on DVD from my foxy and Alli, a $20 gift card from my travel instructor for Bluebird Cakery and she also bought me a mocha frappe with a lemon blueberry scone and from Flint I’m getting a really awesome water cooler that does both hot and cold water. That doesn’t get delivered to his house until Tuesday and then he’ll bring it to me along with my first bottle of water to put in it. i love the idea of the hot water spout as I can have tea instantly without having to microwave the water. Then he took me to Bolder Tap House for dinner which was very good. Ezran was on teamtalk with us the whole time and said he wanted to go there for his birthday but I protested because I have something else in mind for him but I can’t write it here as I think he reads this thing and i don’t wish for him to know just yet where I’m taking him. I’ll write about it after his birthday is over. :). Anyway all in all it was a great day and I’m going to do my best to ensure that this year is a happy one.

Y’know, I have been wondering…does the new year begin at new years or does it begin on your birthday?
I have been asking myself this because I know that the new year begins on January first but people are always telling me on my birthday to have a good year or whatever. So does the new year begin on new years day or does it actually begin on your birthday? Just a bit of food for thought.

I found out last week that two bands I am quite fond of are coming to MN in November! Five Finger Death Punch and Breaking Benjamin are going to be here and oh how I want to go and see them. I told Ezran that we should try to get tickets and go and he was excited about the idea so I’ll have to look into that. Depending on how much they are I might be able to swing it but I’ll have to see if tickets are affordable or not. I’m trying to save money so I can go back to school as well so if they are too much I can’t do it. Unless…early Xmas present from my mother? Hmm, could be a possibility.

I went to see my therapist last Tuesday and after our session she left me more unsettled than anything. She certainly gave me a lot to think about and personally I don’t believe i have anything to worry about. Then if this is the case why do I still have thoughts that I shouldn’t be having? She left me in a bad head space and I didn’t like it. I really miss Chris for therapy, I’m not sure though if she is done doing therapy or if she’s just on a break. I hope that she’s only on a break and not permanently finished. This other one has always left me unsettled though so this shouldn’t surprise me any. Don’t get me wrong, she’s nice enough and I do like her but…yeah…

I’m a happy kitten!!!! I have learned today that I am able to order groceries online from Cub Foods rather than having to ask someone else to help me order them from Hi-vee! I like Hi-vee but their website for accessibility isn’t good at all. It has been brought to their attention but they say there isn’t enough interest from the blind community here in Mankato to do anything about it. To me that’s not fair, but life isn’t fair so I have found a different alternative. Thank you Cub Foods for being so accessible so that I may order my groceries online if I so choose to do so.

I know some think this isn’t something I should be doing but I have started tweeting #ShowUpForWishes to try to see if I can get help with my going back to college fund. This is something so important to me and I really want to get back to school and if I can’t get help from my family then I will try this. I will also be setting up a go fund me page to see if I can get donations that way as well. I know like I said some won’t approve of this but I’ve exhausted all of my other resources and right now with no job I don’t know what else to do. I can’t get help or support from SSB or VR so I have to do this on my own somehow. I’m hoping to find work and once i do this I will be able to be better financially and I will then take my page down and stop trying to use ShowUpForWishes. I do love my family, I really do but they are pretty much tapped out and have their own lives and bills to pay.

Well, I suppose I’m out for now. it’s about 4:30 and I should probably try to find something constructive to do. I’ll write again soon.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

Annika, Alli and Ezran’s kitten

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