Tired But Sleep’s Elusive

Good evening readers.

Like the title says I’m tired but sleep’s elusive. I guess it’s because I have way too much in my mind, I’m not in a good headspace at present and when I am in the wrong headspace I don’t sleep as well as I’d like to. So here I sit updating this thing when I should be attempting that thing called sleep, lord knows I’m tired enough.

A bit of good news I have to share though, it appears that the fox will be here in September! I’m sooooooo super excited and I can’t wait till he is here in my arms again. I know, pretty sappy but I’m just that way. It’s fun.

Our play for Aktion Club Theater is this month and let me tell you, I couldn’t be happier that this play is almost over. It’s about guardianships and how a person basically has no life when they have a guardian. I honestly don’t know what that is like as I have never had one before, I know those who have and things seem to be alright. The play portrays guardians as people who control every aspect of a person’s life. I don’t know, SMH. I’m just singing and reading a poem in the play, I’m singing Hallelujah and reading Never Alone which is actually a song I wrote for the fox but am reading the lyrics as a poem instead of singing it. I’m actually debating whether or not I’m going to participate in Aktion club next year or not. I more than likely will as I’m their treasurer. I actually do love Aktion Clugb, it’s just this years play is unsettling to me for some reason.

Well anyway, there’s a purring Misty Shadow lieing beside me demanding my attention so I suppose I should go and pet her before she attempts to get between me and my keyboard again, she does that all of the time.

Until next timeā€¦

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

Annika Kitten

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