Possible Job excitement and Other Thaughts

Good morning readers.

I hope you are all doing well, I certainly am as things in my life seem to be looking up finally. Before I get into that though, a random thaught for you all.
I was opening notepad because I always write in notepad before publishing to wordpress and in my mind I thaught ok we have notepad, why don’t we have an application or word editor called notebook? Maybe there is somewhere and i don’t know about it? Maybe? Maybe I’ll change the title of my blog from Life According to Annika to Annika’s Notebook. LOL! I don’t know. Random thaughts from Annika, :P.

I was also thinking about friendships and how they can end so abruptly with little to no warning. One day you are talking to a person and things are going well and the next day they ignore you as if you don’t even exist. Or they come to you with a problem and they are seeking advice and then after you listen to them and help them the best you can you don’t matter to them the next day. I understand that when some people get with a significant other they are so in to that person that no one or nothing else matters. If I have treated any of my friends like that since getting with Qrýtczýr I am truly sorry, I don’t ever mean to ditch my friends. I love and charish all of you and I hope that you know that I’d never purposely leave you out of my life, because while I love my fox with everything that I am you guys are all important to me as well.
Now having said all of that, I’m not perfect but I’m trying. I must get a lot better at messaging people first to check on them. i’m really bad at being the first to message. As I stated above, if you guys have felt left out I’m sorry and I promise to work harder at being a better friend. I feel that I have lost friends just recently and it hurts but then I keep telling myself that if these people truly were friends they wouldn’t ditch me after getting with new crushes and such. Ugh, I need to get out of my head because this is depressing.

So on to happier things!

I may finally have a new job! Yes you read that correctly, I may have a new job!
I don’t know when yet when I will be starting or how things are going to go but I’d be teaching people IOS and low-level tech stuff and jaws. I can’t wait to see how this is going to go, I’m so happy and excited about this. I know this isn’t a definite yet but I’m holding on to this hope.
Qrýtczýr also will have a job all going well, he’d be teaching Android and zoom text and he is pretty excited about this too. Though he needs to hurry up and get here because he’s needed rather soonishly. LOL! He is truly working on getting back home to me and I couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait till he’s back with me here and in person. I know that things aren’t always going to be rainbows and unicorns but we’ll work through any problems that will undoubtedly arise. We will be alright because we are both strong and we want this to work, he keeps reminding me that communication is a good thing. I’m getting a lot better at it actually, still not perfect but I’m working hard at it. My fox will be here in either August or September at the latest we figure. He keeps saying I have nesting syndrome because I want everything to be perfect for when he gets here. I want everything to be spotless and in it’s rightful place, I want nothing out of place. When he came to visit in May, my apartment…or our apartment I should say because he has taken to calling it our home…that always makes me smile when he says ours…it was a total mess, not because it was dirty but because I was in the process of rearanging it. This time when he gets here it won’t look like that because i’ve been working super hard at getting everything orderly which I’m almost done I might add, it’s finally arranged the way I want it so that’s definitely a plus. Qrýtczýr’s studio corner is totally clear of everything. It’s funny because I keep getting asked, “What are you going to do with all of that space behind your sitting area?” My answer is always the same, “That’s Qrýtczýr’s corner to do what he wishes with, most likely a music studio.” Everyone’s response seems to always be the same, “Oh.” I can’t wait to hear my fox play guitar in person, I got to hear him play piano the last time he was here and it was awesome. He’s very musically talented.
Very very happy kitten!

I have also been helping to research places for Qrýtczýr’s mother to live. So far it has been a bust, nothing available or you have to come in person to fill applications. Today I’m going to do more research to see what I can come up with. I hope to find something soon, getting left behind in Arizona isn’t a good thing but she says at this point she really doesn’t care and she’ll take whatever she can get. I’d rather have her living in good conditions though, not poor ones. So…my search continues.

Anyway, I believe that’s it for now, I’ll be back when more comes to write about.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO
Annika Kitten

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