A Stormy Fourth of July

Good afternoon from the land of 10000 lakes and more mosquitos than I can ever begin to count.

I just wanted to write to say happy independence day to all of you! That is to say, all in the US, if you are from another country and reading my blog then I hope that you all have a wonderful day. No matter how this day is celebrated please try and stay safe but more importantly have fun. As for me, I’m staying my arse in doors as it is supposed to be way too hot and humid for me. Unfortunately I don’t do well with the combination of heat and humidity and since we are supposed to have a heat index of about 100 I figure i’m better off at home. The other half of that is since I deal with PTSD, fireworks aren’t any fun for me anymore either as most of them just make me feel as if I’m in the middle of gunfire. I will not go into the details of why this is but suffice it to say I don’t have much fun going as much as I once did. I tried that last year and I ended up shaking practically the whole time I was there. At any rate, enough about that, happy fourth to you all!

It’s storming! It’s storming! I love thunderstorms! I think most of you knew this about me but in case you didn’t…I love thunderstorms! That’s not going to be fun for those celebrating outdoors, this is going to mess up someone’s day. That’s not cool and i’m sorry for it but I love storms, bring them on! There’s just something about a down pour and the lightning and the thunder, it’s just…I can’t explain it. I can’t see the lightning anymore and I wish I could because there was a time I could sit through a storm’s entirety and watch it. Cuddling during thunderstorms is just…it’s like nothing I’ve experienced and I’ve had lots of great experiences in my life. There’s just something poetic about this.

Well anyway, I’ll end for now and write again soon. I do have another topic to write about but I’ll save it for the next entry.

Have a great day and have fun!
Take care of yourselves and one another.


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