Hi From Rainy MN

Hello readers.

Welcome to July and another update. I can’t believe that the years already half gone, so far it has been an awesome year with the acception of a few snags. I suppose though you have to take the good with the bad, luckily I have had more good than bad this year and if all goes well next month will make this year a lot better than it has already been.

So the last time I updated I told you all about Qrýtczýr AKA Ezran. Well in May he came and stayed with me for two weeks and it was amazing! It has been a while since i have been as happy as I was when he was here, everything just felt right to both of us. Ezran and Flint got along really well and I was very excited about this because it means that Flint has made a new friend and brother, at least Ezran thinks of Flint as a brother. I think Flint sees him the same way wich is awesome.
What did we do? You might ask…
Well, the first night he arrived Flint took both of us out to Perkins for dinner after much hugging and…other things. No, not that you dirty minded perves, get your minds out of the gutter! :P. Sorry, I couldn’t resist giving you guys a bit of teasing. Ezran enjoyed Perkins a lot, I’m happy about this because that is one of the places I love. The next day we sort of ignored the world and hung out together getting to know one another better and I introduced him to the goodness that is the Pita Pit. He loved it! We actually hung out with Flint a lot as well during these two weeks. One night I made him a dinner that was supposed to be romantic and it turned out really well. I made shrimp pasta, salad, garlic bread and cherry cheesecake. We had a bottle of wine to go with it. Originally Qrýtczýr was only supposed to stay a week but the night before he was supposed to leave there were many tears because I wished he could have stayed longer and time seemed to fly by so fast. So while he was napping I came out to the computer and called Flint, he heard me crying and it made him sad. He asked me, “How would you like to play capture the Qrýtczýr for another week?” I wasn’t sure how that would go because I didn’t know if Qrýtczýr fox had anything to do that next week or not but I told Flint I’d speak to him when he woke up and see what he thought. Well, I couldn’t wait so I went and laid next to him and that must have awakened him. Anyway, I told him what Flint and i had in mind and he said he needed to talk to his mother and see if she had any plans. He went to try to call but she didn’t answer and so he decided to stay anyway. I was a very happy kitten. (Kitten is what the Qrýtczýr calls me for those who didn’t know). Unfortunately that didn’t go well for him the next day but I won’t go into those details, in the end it ended up alright. Sorry, I kind of jumped ahead a bit. During that first week we hung out with Flint and tookk him to a couple places. The second week, we did more of the same. I introduced him to Bluebird Cakery and to Weggy’s on the MSU campus. Flint showed him the deliciousness which is Insomnia Cookies. They are so awesome!!! Flint also had him try Piology which is a pizza place that is also on the MSU campus and then to Cold Stone Creamery. We had so much awesome times and the day he left was one of the hardest for Qrýtczýr and me. Many tears were shed before and after he left. As of June 25th we have been together for 3 months and I couldn’t have asked for a better man. He is the most amazing, wonderful, talented, caring, loving, brilliant, intelligent, and adorable fox I could have the pleasure of calling my boyfriend. If all goes well he will be here permanently at the beginning of August and I can’t wait to have him in my arms again. He has made me feel so alive again and I thank the universe daily for leading us to each other. I’m sorry to all those that were hurt due to us getting together, I truly am but I don’t regret it. I don’t ever mean to hurt anyone but you can’t help where your heart leads you. I have written a song for him and I’ll post the link here in case anyone would like to hear it. The title is Never Alone.


The lyrics were written by myself and the backing track was created by Flint so I thank him very much for his hard work with the music and the production of the song. I do have a second one in the works. The lyrics are done and Flint has a rough draft of the backing track for it. I’m excited for the second to be finished. I hope that the fox likes it.

There is nothing new to report on the job or school front. With school I have hit a brick wall and I’m working on getting that wall removed. I’m still job searching and hope I can find something soon. I’m not giving up on either and am still pretty optimistic that something will happen for me some time soon.

Ozzy and Misty Shadow are both doing fairly well. There are days though I’m not so sure about Ozzy. He meows more now like he’s in a bit of pain and I’ll be getting him checked out soon to see if things are ok with him. He’s fifteen now and so I’m hoping that it’s just his joints still because those I can help fix with some joint meds and a bit of baby food.

I have bene looking to move again. I’d like to get a townhouse or a condo. Both are so bloody expensive though and even with Qrýtczýr moving here I’m not sure if even our combined income will be enough. I’m still looking into some things though. i’m just so tired of living in apartments and i know that a condo is sort of like one but they’re much nicer and most times they have their own washers and dryers in unit which is what I truly want. We would like to get a house some day at any rate and so not moving right away because we want to save money first. It’s good because the Qrýtczýr has a possible job when he gets here. It’s not a certainty yet but we’re both optimistic.

Well I suppose I don’t really have anything else to write about currently so I’ll end this thing and go find something constructive to do while the fox sleeps.

I’ll be back soon…hopefully?
Take care of yourselves and don’t forget to smile, it might just make a difference to someone who is having a bad day.


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