Nollaig Shona Duit, Happy Xmas to You!

Nollaig shona duit! (happy Xmas to you)

Just wanted to say that I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday.
My Xmas eve was pretty uneventful, I cooked chicken in the crockpot, stuffing, mashed potatos, turkey brats because there wasn’t a lot of chicken and For dessert we had chocolate cake wich in my oppinion was waaaaaaaay too sweet with the frosting, it was ok though with milk and coffee. I wanted to do greenbean casserole and white cheddar and garlic mac and cheese but I forgot that Marie doesn’t like greenbeans and I wasn’t sure if Cindy liked them either. I did find out that she had never had that before so I’ll make it one night this week for her to try. I just didn’t get to the Mac and cheese because Marie and her son were going to the candlelight service at church and there wasn’t enough time. I also wanted cranberries but Marie doesn’t like those either. Dinner was kind of rushed and I was a bit sad because it would have been nice to just sit and talk for a bit but it was what it was. Cindy and Marie with her son Donaven were here and it was pretty nice. Unfortunately I need a new toaster as Marie accidentally melted the bottom of mine. I had it sitting on the stove as i needed the spot it usually sits for my crockpot to go. She moved it back to the back burner so we could use the front ones and she didn’t mean to turn on the wrong burner but she did and oops? Melted toaster bottom! If you have never smelled burning plastic, trust me you never want to. It’s nasty! So with the Xmas money I got from my mother I’m buying a new one.
Today I have two Xmas events to go to and then it’s over with, thank the goddess. I’m not trying to be a bah humbug about this holiday but it lasts for too long each year. This year it just happened to start in October before halloween was even done with. One of the events starts at 1:00 and the other at 6:00 this evening.

I did get some very nice gifts this year though.
Marie bought me groceries, she gave me a new bed in a bag set that’s purple, from the mayo clinic I got some slippers, some really nice kitchen utensils I needed, a very nice glass mixing bowl set of four, an incredibly awesome soft purple blanket, a very nice measuring cup, a candy dish that is star shaped, some different candies and a new can opener as my other one broke. I think there might be one more thing but I’m not remembering what it was, I apologize. From my mother I got a card with money in it and from Flint I got a set of reborn babies, one boy and one girl wich i have named Braidan Nicholas and the girl is Breilly Noelle. Breilly is said like Reilly only with a B on the front. Oh they are soooooo cute and such a joy! I am going to pay him back for one of them as that was a lot to spend. Flint also gave me four movies i wanted, let’s see if i can remember them all. I got the Home movie, the Emogy movie, Trolls and I believe Angry Birds. Yes, that was it, he couldn’t find the Peanuts movie or I’d have gotten that one as well. All in all, I had a very good Xmas. I’m so thankful for everything that I have recieved from everyone. My mother told me this morning that my stepmother is sending a card and a gift as well and i should have it this week sometime. I have already gotten so much but as i said I’m greatful.
In January I will be shopping for my friends as I didn’t have the money for everything this month, so their gifts are still coming. I will more than likely order pizza and have them over to open presents, I think that will be fun.

So, next on my list is the new years eve party and i can’t wait!

Well, I think that’s it for this entry. As I said above, I hope you all have a very merry Xmas and I hope that no matter what you are doing you are safe and having a ton of fun.
If you are not one who celebrates, I hope that your day is one that is a great one and filled with something fun.



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