Another Thanksgiving Has Come and Gone

Good evening everyone. I hope this entry finds you well and stuffed full of turkey and other yummalicious things from the day.

I just wanted to write to send a very happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, if you don’t I hope you had a wonderful day. My day was great, i’m exhausted from it but still it was fun.
The next two holidays I will be cooking for are Xmas and then New years eve, I can’t wait! I really do love to entertain even if I am totally nackerd afterwords.

Ok, I don’t really have too much to say so I’ll end for tonight, my bed is calling me and my pillow just came and started tugging on my hand. I simply refuse to argue with inanimate objects. :P.
I know, I’m strange but it’s alright because it’s what makes me who I am. :D.
I will write again soon.

Goodnight all.

Ailish Brynn

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