Wow! I’ve Finally Posted!

Greetings to all.

I can’t believe how long it’s been since i have written an update. I kept saying I’m going to write but then i just don’t, bad Ailish! No chocolate! Many things have happened since the last time I wrote that I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll just give you the things that are on my mind at the moment.

For starters, I still have no job. I have been searching and applying but there’s just nothing. Sometimes i feel so discouraged and like I’ll never find anything and I just try to tell myself to keep my chin up and that something will turn up. Well, thus far there’s nothing as I stated already. I haven’t fully given up but there are times…

Next we come to the school issue. I had it in my mind that i was going to go to MSU but then I was introduced to SCC, (South Central Community College). I’m not sure if I’ll per sue this as I don’t want to have to transfer when the two years are up. I have decided on a new major though, I’m going to go into social work. This is my last decision, I’m determined to do this. I still want to minor in small business however. I took a Hadley course online, it was beginner to accounting and I found out that it won’t transfer to the University so I took that one for no reason. It’s alright though, it gave me something to do. I did complete it and got a certificate for doing so.

Near the end of October Amber came to visit and stayed with me for a week. Things went well. She did fill out an application and was going to stay here but she decided she was making a rash decision and decided to go home. Chris said she is a very pretty girl, Chris and i went to pick her up at the airport. We didn’t do too much when she was here and I feel badly about that. It’s my turhn to visit Texas now.

Another thing I’ve decided is that in 2023 I’m legally changing my name again. I know that I just changed it to Lily Rose but Lily has become way popular and there are too many of us now. I’m going to be changing it to Ailish Brynn. I’m looking forward to this change, I prefer to be called Ailish but I do understand that it’s a hard change. Don’t judge! LOL! Anyway a lot of people who have heard the name love it.

The weather has turned colder. Usually I love the autumn but it feels more like winter and I don’t like it at all. Today it’s very windy and it’s actually snowing at present. I seriously live in the wrong state, these bones can’t handle the bitterness of the winds that blow.

I’m tired, I’ll try to write again soon but I make no promises.

Take care all,

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