Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

Hey guys.

Guess what? I applied for a job online today! I figured that I’m not getting the help I need and am not being listened to so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I’ve decided that if I want something done I need to do it myself because no ones going to do it for me. The job I applied for is a Patient Scheduling and Support Specialist, after reading over the job responsibilities and tasks I feel confident enough to do this. I’m a bit nervous but all I can do is my best, right? That is all anyone can expect from me is my very best. As long as I try then I can say that I atempted to get the job done.

Hmm…school, that’s my next topic.
I’m no closer to getting to go to school than I was the last time I updated. I’ve decided I will try something online instead of starting at MSU. I’d much rather start at MSU but as I stated above I’m not getting anywhere so once again I’m taking matters into my own hands. I can do accounting and business courses online so that’s what i’m going to start with. Hopefully the courses I do will eventually transfer to MSU and all will be as it should.
I’m seriously tired of being ignored and getting the feeling like nobody’s listening so it’s time to fight for myself and so I shall. Look out world because here i come!

I was doing a lot of thinking over the past couple of days and I have come to the realization that I’m rich. I don’t mean as in money rich but rich in my life.
I may not have a lot of money but I have friends who care, a family who loves me, two precious cats who love me unconditionally, a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes on my back, the gift of song, I’m alive and breathing, (that should have bene the first thing I should have said), and so much more. I’m so greatful for everyone and everything in my life and I don’t say it enough. I love life and I’m full of happiness. Yes, I have my bad days but who doesn’t? It’s good to show gratitude for what we do have and accept things as they are. This world’s so full of hate and it hurts my heart but i’m glad to know that there are still good people out there. So thanks to the people who have always stuck by me no matter what, you guys rock! I wish I could list you all by name but i’m afraid I’d forget someone and I don’t want to forget anyone so just know that I’m thankful for you all.

So because I love Bob Marley and I love the song One Love, I’m going to post the video of it here, I think that’s how I’ll end this entry. I love this particular song because it says what i wish could happen. “One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel alright.”

I have one more, john Lennon’s Imagine.

Well, that’s it for now. I know it was really not much but it’s a small update.

Until next time…




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