A Poem: Love Is

Greetings to all.

Today I’m just going to post a poem that I just wrote, I don’t generally publish my work because I’m shy about these kinds of things but I hope you enjoy it.



Love is due drops on rose and the taste of pink champagne,
Sunshine and thunderstorms and the sound of gentle rain.
Butterflies and honey bees and colorful birds so bright,
Cool crisp evenings and sunsets and the noises of the night.

Love is a baby’s giggle and a childs laughter and the happiness as they’re at play,
Kittens and puppies and bunnies that merrily hop away.
Roses and Lilies and all types of flowers of many colors shapes and sizes,
Blue skies and fluffy white clouds and the warm sun that rises.

Love is the music and lyrics that make us sing and dance,
Lighthouses and deep oceans and the Eiffel tower of France.
Dolphins that jump and tigers that roar and wolves with amber eyes,
Shamrocks and leprechauns and sweet apple pies.

Love is Twilight and Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings,
The beautiful sounds of the harp and the flute and the sounds of violin strings.
A hot cup of tea or hot chocolate while reading a good book,
The sounds of ocean waves or a tinkling fountain or a babbling brook.

Love is the twinkling starlight and the light of the silvery moon,
My family and my friends and the calming call of the loon.
The scent of vanilla and cinnamon and freshly baked bread,
Good memories of things past that I keep stored in my head.

Love is ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, more things that i love,
Windchimes and seagulls, a cat’s purr and the coo of a dove.
The colors purple and lavender and the shape of a heart,
crystals and rainbows and the taste of a fruity tart.

Love is the cool breezes of the seasons autumn and spring,
The new beginnings and wonderful things that both bring.
The world around me and the people that I meet,
Their stories and the lessons I learn are really quite neat.

Love is the silence when I need a break from the noise,
Peanut butter and jelly and bananas are just some of my joys.
Fire works and Xmas lights or sitting under the shade of a tree,
My cats Ozzy and Luna who love me unconditionally.

These things are just a part of me and of what i love,
They’re all awesome blessings sent from up above.
So find what you love and treasure them as I do,
Hold on to them tightly and let them be part of you.

That’s all for this entry, I’ll hopefully be back soon.



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