Football and Randoms

Tráthnóna maith or in english, good evening.

I just watched the Falcons woop the Sea Hawks and it was amazing, now here I sit watching the Patriots/Texans game. Please Patriots, whip the Texans! I know that you can do it as you’ve done it before.
Sorry if you are a Texans fan but I gotta cheer for my boys, they must make it to the super bowl this year, it would make my 2017 start off well. LOL! This year so far has been alright, not bad at all.
So, the Patriots did win but it was a game that had me on the edge of my seat. I truly did think the Texans were going to pull ahead and come out the victors but my boys did it! They’re almost there, I know they can do it. Although I must admit I wouldn’t mind if the Falcons made it to the Super Bowl this year, of course I want the Pats to win but…just saying.

Anyhow, off for now, I’ll finishs this tomorrow sometime.

12:00 PM 1/15/2017

Dia dhuit or Hello in English.

It’s a brand new day and I feel awful, my head is giving me trouble. It’s not bad enough to be a migraine but it’s bad enough to bother me. I tried to eat a bit thinking that might help but…nope, not happening. I suppose I’ll have to break down and take something for it before i lose what sanity i have left. Ok, that was a bit overly dramatic but I’m allowed to be that way once in a while. LOL!

So today it’s the Steelers VS the Chiefs and the Packers VS the Cowboys. I’m hoping to be able to watch both games, I’m hoping for the Chiefs to win against the Steelers and the Cowboys against the Packers. Sorry Kyle, have to be your rival for football. *laughs*. It’s all in good clean fun.
Other than football not much happening today, I should really work on packing and I more than likely will if my head stops hurting.

So, I saw this on facebook and had to steal it to share here.

Arthur Davidson, of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Corporation, dies and goes to heaven. At the gates, an angel tells Davidson, “Well, you’ve been such a good guy and your motorcycles have changed the world. As a reward, you can hang out with anyone you want to in Heaven. “Davidson thinks about it and says, “I wanna hang out with God, Himself. “The be feathered fellow at the Gates takes Arthur to the Throne Room and introduces him to God. Arthur then asks God, “Hey, aren’t you the inventor of Woman? “God says, “Ah, yes. “Well,” says Davidson, “You have some major design flaws in your invention:
1. There’s too much front end protrusion.
2. It chatters at high speeds.
3. The rear end wobbles too much, and
4. The intake is placed too close to the exhaust. “Hmmm… ” replies God, “hold on. “God goes to the Celestial Super computer, types in a few keystrokes, and waits for the result. The computer prints out a slip of paper and God reads it. “It may be that my invention is flawed,” God replies to Arthur Davidson, “but according to My Computer, more people are riding my invention than yours! ”

I can seriously relate to this tweet…

“With an empty head held high, with a heavy heart held low, and with tear stained eyes..we walk on wishing heaven had visiting hours.”

There are a number of people i’d love to visit, all very important to me in one form or another.
Jim: my loving husband.
Pat: my father who I wish I could still tell things to.
Clayton: my grandfather who I miss lots and lots, he was very wise.
Colleen: my cousin who left us way too soon.
Phyllis: my aunt who I hadn’t seen since I was a little girl and who was one of my favorites.
Marty: my uncle who was very kind and loved his family very much.
Rick: an old friend of mine who I never apologized to for being such a bitch to even though he deserved it when he was drunk.
Other members of my family that I don’t remember well: they went on before I could get to know them well.
If pets count I’d like to see my cats and dogs that i have lost as well, actually all of my pets I’ve lost over the years.
Ok, enough of the morbid…

2:43 PM 1/15/2017

Ok back for a third atempt at finishing this thing…I took a break for my head. I really really hate headaches but then again, who doesn’t?

Have you ever found yourself questioning if a friend is as close as they claim to be? I have been doing just that lately with a friend of mine that lives in my same building. I’m beginning to wonder if everything she tells me is fact or fiction due to something that happened last Monday. It was minor but at the same time it truly annoys me and I just don’t know what to think anymore.
I was at the store to pick up cat food and absent-minded me couldn’t remember the variety of the brand i had gotten. This is a big thing for me because Ozzy doesn’t throw up as much with it as he has the other things i’ve tried to feed him so I wanted to continue with this particular variety of food. Funny he keeps this food down and not the expensive stuff I have tried…anyway so I called Paul to ask him to run down to Cassi’s and ask to borrow my key so he could go read the cat food bag for me. Cassi immediately says it’s the Purina Complete one. I asked if she was sure and she said yes that it was. Paul got there and she asked me to hold on and she went to speak with him. A few minutes later she came back and said yes that it indeed is the Purina Complete. I asked if that was from the bag at my house and she assured me it was. I thanked her and hung up and grabbed what she told me was the one. Janet said that she didn’t think they were gone long enough to have gone to my apartment and after thinking about it I realized she was right. I sort of had the feeling but why would Cassi tell me differently? A minute or so after hanging up with Cassi, I get a text message from Paul that read, “She wouldn’t give me the key so I couldn’t go look for you.” I stood there in the middle of Wal-mart shocked, I didn’t know what to even reply back with. I thanked Paul and let him know that I’d deal with it. After arriving home Janet came up with me and looked at the cat food bag, it was indeed the wrong kind. I needed the one that said gentle, not complete, now I have to take back the bag I have and hope they let me exchange it for the one I need. I did ask the cashier if that was doable and he thought that it was. I still have my reciept and it’s never bene opened so hopefully it won’t be an issue.
So while this isn’t an issue for some it is for me. I found something that Ozzy can finally keep down decently and ugh! I’m really trying to figure out why she’d have done this. I love her dearly but I just don’t understand it. Maybe I should just let it go, after all I should have bene the responsible one and remembered what kind of food I needed for Ozzy. Maybe I’m placing blame where it shouldn’t be placed.
See? writing definitely helps me. It puts perspective on things, it makes me think of things or consider what I hadn’t before. Ugh! It’s hard work at times dealing with things I don’t like dealing with.

Tomorrow Janet and I are going over to the new apartment so she can see it. I’m so excited to be moving and I think getting away from here where bad memories were made will help me greatly.

Well, I suppose this thing’s long enough and I’ve got packing and laundry to get to. Le’s see if i actually get to them though. Hah!

Until next time…slán go fóill. XOXO.


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