Morning Ramblings

Greetings everyone.

So as I begin writing this entry it’s about 6:28 AM in the morning or as I like to some times call it 0:dark:30.
It isn’t my choice to be awake so early but a certain Luna cat figured that her cat slave didn’t need to sleep anymore and decided knocking things off my kitchen counters, off the microwave and even going as far as to take things out of my dish drainer was a good way to insure that i get out of bed, so here i am writing. Naughty girl she is at times but i love her to pieces. There were times this year I don’t know how I’d have made it through without the love and devotion from her and Ozzy. Those two felines are a huge part of my world. Ozzy will be 14-years-old January 18th and he’s showing his age, well at times he shows his age I should say. Then there are the times he still acts like a kitten so that is a good thing, shows he still has some life left in him. I know one day I will lose him because it’s a part of life but i’d like to keep him around as long as I can. I can’t count the number of tears his fur has caught of mine over these past almost 10 years and he always seems to know when I’m sad too because he’s always right there with a pur or a head rub or a cold wet nose against my cheek.
Sorry, I know I’m rambling but that is the result of a still tired and not yet awake Lily.

I believe I’ve found a new favorite station on Pandora, I love listening to Pandora through the Amazon Echo! Anyway I was thinking of one of my favorite songs called Cherry Bomb and the end result was me adding John Cougar Mellencamp to my radio stations. It has been playing The Eagles, Bad Company, Bob Seger, The Marshall Tucker Band, Bruce Springsteen, now The Band and of course John Cougar Mellencamp. Oh and now it’s playing Midnight Rider by The Allman Brother’s Band, this is awesome!!!! Classic rock is my absolute favorite genre of music ever! Today’s music isn’t that great but you can’t beat the classic rockers. There are some good artist of today but they are few and far between, the classic rockers didn’t need to rely on things like autotune to sing, they just could do it. I also love techno, it’s great to dance to and most times that’s what I do my housework to.

Xmas was a quiet affair with people i love and at times quiet is good. It seemed as if there was enough food to feed an army so lots of leftovers were stored away. A lot of them were given away and I still had a lot in my Refridgerator but leftovers are the best! The ham and turkey will be used to make soups and those i can freeze so that’s a good thing. I have frozen both meats and so I just have to take them out and cook. New years, I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow night. I’m sure it’s bound to be fun though considering who I’m spending it with, those same people from Xmas is who I’ll be with, well them and one extra. Hello Flint! Nice to see you again! LOL!

One more month till I move to my new apartment! I really can’t wait to vacate this one as they still haven’t found the one who started the fires here. I just think it’s time for change as well, I truely do think 2017 is going to be my year, that or I’m just a really huge optimist who may be headed for a disappointment. I’d rather think it’s true though, big changes are coming and I’ll write about them as they happen. Every day lately probably for the past week or so I’ve been getting this feeling inside of me like big things are about to happen and I’m excited, I feel excited. I hope my feelings aren’t wrong and that things are truly coming that are good.

i stole this from Facebook and found it to be highly amusing…

Everyone has six names

1) Your real name: Lily Rose Poss
2) Your detective name (favorite color and favorite animal): Black Cat
3) Your soap opera name (middle name and street you live on): Rose Nicollet
4) Your Star Trek name (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of middle, first 2 of first, last 3 of last): Posrolioss
5. Superhero name (color of your shirt and item to your right): Blue Basket
6) Goth name (black and name of one of your pets): Black Luna

Clean copy in comments, play along!

Ok, enough ramblings from a tired Lily for now, I’ll be bakc soon with more musings. Have a great day everyone, it’s my breakfast time.


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