Welcome October!

Greetings readers.

I hope this cool October morning finds you all well.
I have bene doing alright but not as well as I could be. I have been thinking a lot as of late and usually that leads me to trouble, however this time it has lead me to a huge decision. I won’t right about that just yet as I need to speak with the person involved first.

Yay for October and Autumn! This is one of my favorite times of the year, why? It’s Samhain or Halloween for you who don’t celebrate Samhain. I love this time of year! Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons aside from Spring which is my other.

Reasons why I love Autumn…

1. The return of pumpkin spiced food and drink.
2. The crisp cool mornings and nights.
3. The smells of fall.
4. The return of football season.
5. Hoodies.
6. Halloween/Samhain
7. Cool evenings with hot chocolate or tea.
8. The return of honey crisp apples, my favorite apple.
9. The changing leaves even though I can’t see them anymore, but I can picture the beautiful colors.
10. The end of the heat and humidity that always accompanies summer.

Those are some of my many reasons I love this time of year.

They are already starting to show Xmas comercials on TV, it’s driving me nuts! Seriously? It is only the fourth of October and yet they are showing this stuff. I’ve even seen advertisements for Xmas movies on some of the cable channels I watch. It’s madness! It’s way too early for this, I don’t understand why they have to start Xmas advertisements so soon. Let us at least get through the month of October and then start showing this stuff. To me, this is insanity!

With all of the negativity in the world today and all of the negative energy in the universe I thought this might help some get through it. I got this particular spell from @krystal_raven on twitter. I tried it and it works well. If you are like me and can’t stand it to be quiet you can always use some meditative music on low like I did and it still works just as well, keep the music low though or it could be a distraction. That isn’t to say that I hate the quiet all of the time because there are just times I need complete silence but not for very long or it starts to drive me insane. Try it just before sleep and with your mind at ease, sleep my come easier than it once did.

Mental Health Refresh Spell

white candle
yellow candle
orange candle
quiet space/ personal time
Light white candle and say,
“I light this candle to renew my spirit.”

Light the yellow candle and place it to the left of the white candle, say:
“This flame fuels my motivation.”

Light the orange candle and place it to the right of the white candle. Say,
“My mind is healthy and strong.”

As you light each candle visualize any negativity you’ve been feeling fading away. Breathe deeply. When ready, blow out the candles.

Believe me, this does work.

Well, there is an HP fanfic calling my name, no not one I’m reading but one I’m writing. I figure since i have so much extra time on my hands at present I might as well start writing again. I’m writing a fanfic called The Changing Of A Potion’s Master. I have seven chapters done and am working on the eighth one. I have like six or seven other fics in progress as well. One at a time though, one at a time.

I think for lunch today I’ll try a grilled cheese stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut. I keep seeing it advertised on TV so why not, it will give me a few meals till I can go grocery shopping.

So until next time…



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