Life Update

Good afternoon readers, I hope you are all doing well.

Before I get into my update I just wanted to let you know that those of you following my

  • darkangel420 can still read that one but it’s purpose is different. I’m going to use that one for any articles that I decide to post about. I’ll give you the article and my feelings on the article. This blog is for the stuff that I write about regarding my life updates and things of that nature. I’ve done this to make things less cluttered, it makes me feel a bit more organized. So if interested, feel free to follow both. There may be days i write in both or just one or the other. Either way, enjoy!

    So last weekend was pride fest here where I live. Friday night they had something called queeriaoke, if you aren’t sure what that is, it’s karaoke with a twist or at least that’s how I best know how to describe it. The LGBT community comes together and sings karaoke. It’s tons of fun and we always do that to kick off pride. I unfortunately didn’t get to participate as I wasn’t feeling well and had a headache. I was sad but I figured there’s always next year.
    Saturday I was ready to go! I was excited because I was asked to ride in the parade for pride. I said yes so when the morning rolled around I was ready. I had never gotten to ride in pride fest before so it was a new experience. I got to ride in a convertable which I had done before when I was in the seventh grade, I was over the moon. It’s the little things that make me happy, LOL! Anyway, along the parade route there was a protester holding up a sign that read “homo sex is sin.” Needless to say I was disgusted at this. I know, he has his oppinion too but it was in my oppinion not right. I do believe that we all have our own oppinions on things so I do feel a bit guilty for bashing him for his. He was yelling out things like, “This is an abomination!” and “You are going against God!” and “How dare you walk in a pride parade, in this kind of a sin!” So, a bunch of us in the parade and along the route just yelled out “Happy pride!” when we got beside him. After the parade we went to the park where the big event was to take place. That same guy with the sign entered the park and stood right in front of the stage where the drag queens were performing. Seeing this, two men got up and stood right under his sign and kissed and had their picture taken. We all cheered at this at this beautiful display, it was great! There were many booths there this year and we had less food venders there but there was still enough for people to choose from. There was a band there that was performing and the lead singer was the only woman in the band. She was aweful! She atempted to sing Bring Me To Life by Evanescence and she was just horrible! Even Amy Lee who I find to be terrible live did better than this woman was doing with it. That is a tough song to do, I’ll give you that and so I waited to see how she’d do with her next performance. Nope, not any better. In fact if it’s possible, the more she sang the worse she sounded. Next year I think I’ll try and convince the committee not to hire that band back again. My cats could have done a better job then she did. After things ended at the park there was a dance that night. Again, I did not attend as I had gotten sunburned that day and was feeling quite miserable. Vampires do not belong in the sun! All in all though the weekend was a success and fun was had by all. I can’t wait for the first meeting to start planning pride for 2017. I’m so happy I got involved with them, it’s awesome!

    I’m going to join something called the rainbow support group, it’s for anyone who is Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Basically anyone that is LGBTQ can come. They hold meetings once a month and they either just talk and hang out or they go out to eat. Either way it sounds like a lot of fun. I’m extremely excited about this.

    Sunday the 11th was the 12th anniversary of Jim’s death. I still miss him so much, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. I wish he were still here but I know that it cannot be. I know that I’ll see him again some day. They say that time heals all but I still feel the pain of my loss to this day. I don’t cry on a daily basis anymore but the pain is still there. I normally write on the day of his passing but this year I was way exhausted and I just wanted the day to be over. I love and miss him more than anyone can know.
    It was also the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. To this day I still can’t believe that something of that magnitude happened. I can still remember exactly where i was when I first heard the news. I was in a state of disbelief. I was at Jim’s parents house and usually I listen to the radio or have the TV on when sleeping as i can’t stand the quiet at night. I woke up to hear that a plane had hit the first tower and I thought, oh kno! There was a plane crash. I tried to go bakc to sleep but something about that news report was bothering me so I got up and turned on the TV. I turned the TV on just in time to see the second plane hit the second tower. I knew then that we were under attack, it wasn’t normal for that to happen so I knew. Then we learn about the plane that hit the Pentagon and the one that crashed in the field in Pennsylvania. I was saddened and angered, I couldn’t believe this was happening. I remember being glued to the TV all day for any news about the attacks. So many lives lost in a sinceless act of terrorism. I never forget and I know you don’t either. Do you remember where you were “when the world stopped turning?”

    Sorry, I know that this entry has taken a sort of sad turn, apologies.

    Not much going on for this week. i have to meet with my job coach and my State Services for the Blind counselor today at about 3:15. It’s a meeting to see where things are and to see how the job hunting is going. It’s going nowhere. They signed me up for a fund raising job, I will not do it, I simply refuse. I know, I know it would be a job but i used to work in collections and to me it’s sort of the same. You have to deal with people being rude and I won’t do it. I had to deal with rude people in my last job but it’s a sort of different rude. I’m hoping I will find something soon.

    Tomorrow begins my weekend of pow wow. That I can’t wait for, I’m so excited, I absolutely love pow wow! I love the music, the food, just the all around great atmosphere, it’s a chance to be in nature as well and I love nature. This also means no broadcasts this weekend. After this weekend though, things will get bakc to normal again.

    The weather has been so nice, it’s been autumn like and I have loved it immensely, I look forward to next week when fall actually begins. I’m so over the summer and am ready to be finished with the heat and humidity. We are expecting thunderstorms today and tomorrow as well.

    Well, I don’t really have much more to write about so I’ll end this for now. I’ll return again when I have something to write about.

    You all take care. XO


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