Happy Labor Day

Good morning to all.

I’d just like to wish everyone a very happy labor day. No matter how you decide to celebrate I hope that you ahve lots of fun. Family and friends mean the world to me so I wish I were with them today but unfortunately this year it isn’t to be. they are all in my heart though and I will call to wish them a happy labor day in a while. If you decie to celebrate by drinking, don’t drive, do the watermellon crawl. Don’t drink and cane and don’t drink and dog. Those last two are for all my blind readers.
It’s very strange not to have the labor day telethon on TV. I can remember watching that every year, most times it was so sad seeing all those people with that horrible disease and they’d always do a little tribute to those who lost the fight with it that particular year. Sometimes it would make me burst into tears watching the children with it. I’d always wish that there were something I could do to help them all. They haven’t aired that in ages though it seems.For those who may not know what the telethon was, it was a telethon to raise money for muscular dystrophy research and in the hopes of finding a cure. They haven’t yet but I hope that one day they will.

So as predicted, I didn’t make it to the state fair this year. Oh well, there’s always next year. It would have been the perfect weekend for it though as the weather was beautiful.
Not so much today now, it’s humid and hot again, blah. I can’t wait until autumn, it’s one of my favorite seasons along with spring.

Well that’s it for now, not much else to say right now.
Take care everyone and have a great day. Blessed be. XO


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