Who Am I?

Name: Lily.
Age: 42.
Birthday: 8/9/74.
Location: North Mankato MN.
Nicknames: Lil, Lils, LilyFlower, and LilyBird.
Hair color: Red.
Eye color: Blue.

Quote “an it do as you will, harm none.” and “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Zodiac sign: Leo.
ChineseZodiac sign: Tiger.

About me…

I am a half irish, half german lassy from the land of 10,000 taxes. Oh wait, did I say that? What I meant was, the land of 10,000 lakes, not to mention 10,000 mosquitos. Ok so there are far more mosquitos than there are lakes but I think you get the idea.
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. When I was younger I was quite rebellious especially against family. I didn’t believe in rules, well much anyway. I always thaught rules were made to be broken. I suppose to a point I’m still that way. Now though I have a huge respect for public authority figures such as policeman, as for family? Yeah I do, I respect them now as well.
I like to tell everyone this as I am a straight forward person and feel that people should know this right away so that you can make your own decision about whether or not to accept me or not. I am a vampire and a witch. Yup, I practice wicca. I am a light wiccan, I promise. I know that some of you may be saying,”There is no such thing as a good wiccan.” I’m here to tell you there are good wiccans all over the place. Most of them don’t come out and say they are though because of the way that society is twoards us, not to mention twoards vampires as well. Yes, vampire I know sounds weird but there actually is a medical condition called vampirism and I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with it. I laughed when my doctor said it but then I got to thinking, very cool! Yep, that’s just me. This doesn’t mean that I can run with super speed or anything like that, that’s all movie stuff and even though I like to joke around about it, I can’t do what the movie vamps do. What this does mean is that because I have such pale skin or fair as some call it, the sun does hurt my eyes, I burn like crazy in the sun due to being so pale, I am anemic and sometimes need blood transfusions and I have more energy at night vs the day. Trust me, I wish I could have vamp speed but alas, it’s not to be. I won’t say anymore about the subject though, I just wanted you all to know that up front.
Currently, I’m a DJ for parties, weddings, and basically whatever i’m needed for. It’s a ton of fun! My company is called Live Stream Celebrations. I’m not as off the ground as i’d like to be but that takes time and i’m working at it slowly. The cool thing is I don’t charge as much as a DJ who has bene at this a while and that gives a bit of compitition. I’m an internet broadcaster for a few stations as well. I’m currently looking for a job again because well, I quit my other one at Land To Air but that’s for another entry.
I’m also a proud member of the LGBTQ community. Coming out was one of the scariest things I’ve done because you aren’t accepted for it. I finally got to the point where I told myself that I shouldn’t hide who I am and if people can’t accept it then it’s on them. I don’t flirt with anyone who is straight with the acception of Cassi but she has gay friends and is used to it and takes it well. I am bisexual and this does not mean that I am confused as to whether I like guys or girls, this means I can date either one. Being bisexual does not mean one is confused and can’t decide. The cool thing is most are understanding and I have remained friends with those who acknowledge my sexuality and accept it. So…if I’ve scared anyone away then I apologize but I can’t change who I am and couldn’t even if I wanted to. It’s not a matter of you wake up one day and decide you are going to be LGBTQ, it’s who you are.
My dream job is to be a veterinarian, unfortunately being totally blind crushes that one. I’m not bitter about my blindness at all, there are times I wish I could do things I want but that wasn’t in the cards for me and that’s ok. I’ve come to accept it, in fact when I lost what sight I did have it was a tough thing but I said to myself, you can either allow this to destroy you or you can get out of this bed and go on with life, I chose life and haven’t ever regreted that.

Some things i love to do are…

1. Hang out with friends.
2. Read.
3. Chat on IRC and other places.
4. Sing.
5. Cook.
6. Write poetry, plays, short stories, fanfiction etc…

I am a collector of…

Shot glasses.
Flash drives that are different shapes.
Heart-shaped things.

Music boxes

I absolutely love: Thunderstorms, all animals, going for walks, my two cats Ozzy and Luna, the smell of a burning campfire, my friends and family, cool crisp nights, music, dark chocolate, apples, the sound of the ocean, birds singing, the color lavender, rose tea, silver instead of gold, the sound of a cat purring and days that are not too hot or too cold.

I love all kinds of music and love to internet broadcast. Some of my favorite bands are…

1. Evanescence with Amy Lee
2. Nightwish with Tarja
3. Korn.
4. Lacuna Coil.
5. The Beatles.
6. Inccubus Succubus.
7. Moonstruck.
8. Disturbed.
9. Mortal Love.
10. Xandria.

11. 5 Seconds of Summer
12. One Direction
13 Moonland
14 Stream of Passion
15. Hydria
16. Flyleaf

Some of my favorite things are…

Actor: Alexander Skarsgard.
Pop: Mist Twist
Time of day: Night.
Seasons: Spring
and Autumn.
Flower: Roses and Lilies.
Musical instrument: The celtic harp and the flute.
Candy: Dark chocolate, Skittles and gummy bears.
Classical Composer: Vivaldi.
Mythical Creature: Dragons, the phoenix, and unicorns.
Super Power: Flying and healing.
Movies: The Harry Potter series, The Twilight Saga, anything with Alan Rickman, Anything with Alexander Skarsgard, Dirty Dancing, The Lord Of The Rings series.

I know, my faves are getting crazy but, that’s who I am.
There is so much more i could write in here but for now, there are the basics. If you want to know more and get to know me better, just ask. I am always up for making a new friend.

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