Rants and an Update

9:57 AM 8/30/2016

Good morning readers.

I hope this entry finds you all well, I’m not yet sure how I feel as i haven’t fully awakened just yet. So until I accomplish this difficult feat, have a youtube vid that I think is quite interesting.

Coffee, bad for you? Wait, what?
Not according to this…

25 Unique Uses For Coffee And Coffee Grinds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz1jT9QjhjY&feature=share

So as you can see, coffee has a number of good things about it. It has many different uses and has the added bonus of being healthy too, Just don’t add those creamers and sugars to it for the full healthy coffee experience. That one’s tough for me as I don’t usually care for black coffee.

Well, I think I’ll go and make some of that healthy coffee now as i’ve not been up long, there’s way too much blood in my coffee stream.

Until later…

10:42 AM 8/31/2016

Good morning.

Well obviously I didn’t make it back to this until now. Yep I stated the obvious i know.

Well last weekend was a busy one. Last Friday I had dress rehersal for this play i was in called The Kabaret. I’m in this community of people called action club theater. Basically it is a group of people made up of persons with many different disabilities. The actors have anything from blindness to paraplegia to mild retardation, (sorry I can’t remember the correct term for that) to speech impediments to deafness, You get the idea. Every year I’m asked to sing in there shows and usually I say no however this year I decided why not. I’m always so nervous when singing in front of an entire audience, such horrible stage fright so I thought this might be a way to help cure some of that. Action Club Theater is always so accepting of everyone no matter your disability. At first I was like, this isn’t really helping but after having gone there this past year and a half it actually did help. I believe i now have the confidence to perform without wanting to toss my cookies so to speak. Yes it’s still there but no where near as badly as it was. Anyway I am slightly off topic…I thought we’d be performing for people that night but we didn’t, only some people stayed to watch after dropping off some of the actors and actresses. That went fine. Our actual performances were Saturday and Sunday and the first performance it felt as if I had butterflies as big as eagles in my stomach! After I finished singing that night the crowd cheered and clapped loudly and it felt awesome! It was like I was meant to be singing, I had never had that feeling before. People tell me all the time that my singing is great or beautiful or whatever and I just never believe it. On Sunday it was the same thing, cheering and clapping and the feeling of belonging, it was like going home. After the performances having complete strangers coming to me and saying things like, “You have a beautiful voice” or “you brought my husband to tears with your performance” or “Thank you for singing that song , it is one of my favorites and you performed it beautifully”…it’s an indescribable feeling. The entire play was a success both days. We all had fun singing and dancing and just hanging in a community that knows what it’s like to be different and taking that and saying I amm no different than anyone. I do belong somewhere. I’m not sure this is making any sense but it was like I had an epiphany or something. I will be performing with them again, It was just awesome.

And now for the article of the day that angers me…

N.J. man smashes window with sledgehammer to save baby locked in hot car. http://kare11.tv/2bVveoG

Due to the heroic actions of these two sitizens, that baby girl is still alive. Thank the gods for that. What i don’t understand is why her father didn’t want to get further medical treatment. If that were my child I for one would not have left her locked in the car in the first place but second I would have taken her to the hospital to make sure she was ok. Some parents never cease to piss me off. Some people shouldn’t even be parents. Then for the mother to come out and ask “where’s my baby” is just…ugh! Personally, I’d have taken her two other children away as well and put all three in a different home. It’s bloody rediculous! She’s lucky that the two good sameritans walked by when they did and that one had a way to get that baby out of there or she might be looking at jail time for that. In my oppinion she should anyway for child neglect and endangerment.
Sorry but this just pisses me off royally!

I thought I’d end on a happy note…

Dog swims more than 6 miles, walks 12 more to find family, after falling overboard into Lake Michigan. http://kare11.tv/2bJxApL

Now that’s loyalty!!!

Well, it is now 1:16 PM and i’m finally goign to post this.
I’ll be back again when I have something else to write about. XOXO


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