Prince’s Paisley Park

Greetings to all who are reading.

I’d love to go on this tour, I think it would be fun as well as informative. I have liked Prince since I was like 11-years-old and my favorite song has always been and will probably will always be Purple Rain when it comes to his music. I have seen the movie numerous times and would watch it again many many times.

Prince’s Paisley Park to open for public tours, starting this fall.

An updated article…

#Prince’s Paisley Park Studios will open for guided tours October 6. Tickets go on sale August 26 at 2 PM Central at

As we all have heard Prince died on April 21 at his home in Chanhassen Minnesota from an accidental drug overdose. Prince’s birthday, June 7 is apparently known as Prince day here in MN. It was a very sad day when we found out he had passed away. Prince was born in Minnesota and that is where he wanted to stay instead of moving to California or something like that. He reckoned that since he was born here, that’s where god meant for him to be and so he made his home known as Paisley Park in chanhassen.
Why do I write about his now you may be asking? Well, I could have written about my feelings on his death the same day he passed but I wasn’t sure what to write that day. Sometimes it takes me a while to be able to figure out things in my mind, how to put things into words. When someone who is larger than life passes, it makes me look at my own mortality. It was the same for me when Michael Jackson passed away. He was certainly another who was a larger than life icon. Both he and Prince were taken way too soon from this earth but at least we can take comfort in the knowledge that they are both in much better places. They no longer have to live in a world so filled with hatred and violence. I sort of got a bit off topic…oops?
We have had a lot of major losses in the music and movie world this year, very sad.

I am actually looking forward to the end of 2016. I know it’s a tad early to be talking about that but I seriously can’t wait, I’m hoping that 2017 is a much better year all around.

Normally I wouldn’t do this but because it’s a friend and it’s due to medical issues…A friend of mine is trying to raise funds for her medical stuff, if you are able please try and help her out a little bit. Every little bit helps.

I’m raising money for My medical fund. Click to Donate: via @gofundme
Well, I’ve nothing more to update at the moment so I’ll go for now.
Have a good night all. XOXO


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