Randoms and Upcoming Events

Good stormy evening.

The sky’s really talking this evening. It began storming about five o’clock I do believe and the rain is falling pretty heavily. Poor Luna was laying in the window and she got a bit wet once the rain started blowing in. There’s a lot of lightning and from what I understand it is pretty vivid. Not surprising being that the thunder is pretty loud. It sounds like something just got hit by the lightning actually, that made me jump, I’m sooooo glad I wasn’t outside just now.
I love thunderstorms, I really do but this one’s got a lot of loud thunder. Luna hates storms, actually she hates anything loud. I love that black cat. Black cats always make me think of the phrase, “my cat is black, not my magic.” For me, it’s a true phrase.

Well let’s see…
I haven’t been up to a whole lot since Clint went back home. He left last Friday at about five o’clock, I was sad but my two week guest allowance was up, the policy here says that we can only have guests for two weeks at a time. I really didn’t feel like losing my place to live as I have no where else to go at this point in time, at least not in the U.S. I wouldn’t mind moving out of the country and if a certain candidate wins the presidency I will be doing just that, but at this moment that’s not a step I’m ready to take.

I’m extremely excited for the return of the show Lucifer! I heart that show very much so. I have taken to watching reruns and in fact there’s one coming on in about fifteen minutes. I think that Lucifer is hilarious and i love his accent. I introduced the show to Clint while he was here and he seemed to like it as well.

I finally got my wordpress fixed. I was able to figure out how to export and import entries from one to another. The only thing I had an issue with is that I told it not to import comments from the other and it decided to import some of them anyway. It took me a long time to get rid of them all. I wish there were a way to just select all and have them all disappear instead of having to do them twenty at a time. There were about 998 of them and it was very time consuming but I managed to get them all deleted permanently. The downside to that was I ended up losing some of the legit comments. Sorry to those who left comments that were actually approved, I would have saved them had I been able to. You may feel free to do so again as I’ve got everything in working order.

The next few weekends are going to be busy ones. This coming Friday I have to meet with my job coach, I really hope I find a job soon. Then that Friday night I have play rehersal, dress rehersal actually. Saturday and Sunday are both the actual performances. I’ll be glad when the play’s over. The weekend after that is the weekend I will hopefully be going to the state fair. The weekend of the ninth, tenth and eleventh is pride fest. The eleventh is my after labor day party which will be hosted at my house. The weekend right after that is pow wow. I love going to pow wow, it’s a lot of fun and for me it’s very peaceful. So, yes, extremely busy. I will have to cancel all broadcasts till my weekend stuff is over but i’ll take this one step at a time.

Well, i’m off to finish watching Lucifer as I’m getting distracted by the show.

Have a great evening all. XOXO


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