Can’t Sleep…or Can I?

Hello to all on this stormy night/early morning, which ever way you want to perceive it.

Yesterday meaning August 18, I was one busy Lily.
It started out in the morning with meeting Janet, I had a bit of shopping to do so ended up going to Wal-mart for this task. I looked for a backpack but found none I was too teribly thrilled with so ended up not getting one. I was searching for one because my leather one I had ended up tearing, the leather tore off of the straps and I’m not sure how that happened. Oh and if I don’t type this entry correctly it’s because I took some Benadryl as I had an ellergic reaction to some essential oils and it makes me hella sleepy. I hate having such sensitive skin. If anyone knows of any essential oils that a person with extremely sensitive skin can use, please let me know, I’d greatly appreciate it. Speaking of hella, I took this quiz and it said my evil name was Hellarose. Ok, sorry back to the entry at hand. I might create another journal with that name. Oh , yeah, sorry. Um…where was I? Ah yes, my day. Anyway, I didn’t find a backpack but I did end up getting some other much needed items.
After leaving Wal-mart I got home in just enough time to catch my O&M instructor. She and I rode the bus around because she is starting to teach me the different bus routes and what businesses are on the route. Today’s trip was the bus ride around the MSU campus. This was cool as that’s where I’m planning to go to school for accounting and business courses. I’m excited about this but I did right about that in my last entry so I won’t focus too much on that. After we got done riding the bus, she took me to The Fill-in Station which is a great coffee shop and one of my favorites. She wanted to buy me birthday coffee and a treat for my birthday, I was greatful for it. I had an iced mocha and a peanut butter bite. That was really good, I’d never had one of those but I would like to get one again.
While we were out we ended up under a severe thunderstorm warning. That was pretty freaky I must say. Normally I love storms but this one was a bit scary. RuthAnne who is my instructor said that the clouds were very dark and had some rotation in them. When we entered the coffee shop the girl behind the counter said that the sky did look like a tornado sky. All i could think was I want to go home now. I hate being out in storms like that. When we got to the shop we heard the sign fall, that’s how strong the winds were. There was also some damage and trees down in my town. Not good. After we got done she brought me home and told me that next week we are going to practice the walk to the bus stop I need to catch that bus we rode today, that is unless we have bad weather again. If that happens we’re going to the mall instead.

I was checking e-mails earlier and I had received one from my friend Barb who i used to work with at Land to Air. I’m always so happy to hear from her and I miss her a lot. OH yeah, I need to try and remember to write back to her in the morning, anyway…as I was reading through it she wrote about how Donna had called her all upset because she found out that corporate was advertising for a new general manager. When Donna found this out she confronted Steve and apparently it was her job to get all of the old employees out of there so they could hire new ones. Now that she has done that, they no longer need her and wish for someone else to take her place. I’ll show you a part of the e-mail…


Donna called me 2 weeks ago very upset as the corporate had been advertising for a new general manager without her knowledge,,, and when she found out she confronted Steve, so it sounded as if she would be looking for a new job.  She confessed to me she had been doing the corporate dirty work of getting out the old employees, so Steve can bring in new ones.  So the next day I had to write another resignation letter for my subbing position and turn in my key and so did her friend, Nora.


So…Donna did tell me at Xmas time that I might want to start looking for a new job, I now know why. Even if I had wanted to stay there, I’d have ended up getting pushed out anyway. This also explains why the pay went up to $10 an hour after Barb and I left. I think that is some shite and my friend karma will come around bakc to them for what they’ve done. I just wish I was there to see it when it does.

Today Clint leaves to go back to Utah. He really doesn’t want to go back there and i can’t blame him at all. He has asked me if I want to come out there and visit him next time. I did tell him I’d see about that, his friends wish to meet me as well. I will be packing him a food package to take with him on the bus so he has food for his trip back. It will be strange without him here, I believe even Luna has gotten used to him and she doesn’t like much of anyone. She adores me but i’m her mum.

Well the thunderstorm has passed and I think the Benadryl is finally kicking me arse so time to head off to bed. Have a good night.morning and I’ll write again soonish.

Slán go Fóill and sláinte mhaith.
Oíche mhaith


P.S. It has started storming again, it’s a beautiful thing. I love thunderstorms with light rain.

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