Happy 34th Birthday Dear Jim

Good evening.


Today you’d have turned 34, We’d be married for almost twelve years in September. I hope that you are having one hell of a birthday party over there. I miss you with all of my being still, you never leave my thoughts and i wish you were still here so I could have given you a huge birthday party. Some don’t understand how I can still mourn you after so many years and there are those who do understand. I think Jim that you were my soulmate, and I know you didn’t want me to go on crying for you after you were gone but I do, it’s hard for me not to.
I have tried to keep the promise you asked me to make to you and none of my relationships have worked out because of one reason or another. I’m still friends with some of my exes though. I’m currently with someone now and I hope that you’d approve of him.
Flint misses you too. He wonders what you’d think of Megan. He’s so happy with her and she’s really an awesome person and the cool thing you’d like about her is that she’s a geek too. I think you’d definitely approve of her.
There’s so much I’d like to tell you, So much I wish I could say. I long to hear your voice again, to see you smile, to gaze into your beautiful eyes, to feel your arms around me and I know that i can’t but I do know that I’ll see you again one day.

I wrote a poem a few years ago that I will post here, it was written for Jim.

February 20, 2008

IN DEDICATION TO: Jim Poss who lost his battle with cancer on September 11, 2004

It came upon you like a thief in the night,
With no warning no sign it started a fight.
The day that the doctors told us i’ll never forget,
They told us you had cancer but don’t give up yet.

You didn’t give up, you said “this means war!
It’s message of I’ll win, you chose to ignore.
So for four long years you fought and fought hard,
Never quitting or letting down your guard.

I stayed by your side while you fought the good fight,
not regretting it for one second of the day or night.
I loved you so much then as I still do today,
and that which is the love and memories, cancer cannot take away.

The day you had to leave us was a terrible day indeed,
but we knew that from the pain and suffering yu had finally been freed.
You now walk among the angels and I know you still watch over me,
I can feel your presence when i start to miss you like crazy.

I know it’s not goodbye forever and someday I will be with you again,
I’ll be able to do things we didn’t before like take long walks in the rain.
So for now I’ll be content just to know you’re flying high,
So spread your wings my sweet angel and I’ll try not to cry.
For one day when my life is over, and my work here on Earth is done,
We shall be reunited again, forever and always and we will live as one.

These two songs I dedicate to Jim as well.



I love you Jim and you will always have a place in my heart, always..


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