Journal Moving Soon


It’s been forever since I last wrote here. It’s not for the lack of want but everytime I’d start to write an entry I’d get distracted or some silly thing like that. This entry won’t be too long either but I promise in the near future I’ll write a longer one letting you all know what’s been going on with me. There’s been some good…some bad and well some that I don’t know exactly what catagory to place them in. I know it sounds strange but that’s the jist of it.
So now on to the reason for this short but long overdue entry. Sadly soon my journal will not have a home so it will be going down for a time. As soon as I get the journal back up again I’ll let everyone know how to read it again. At the moment, I’m not entirely sure where it will be moving to but hope to have a new home for it soon. I do have a couple of places in mind so hopefully one of them will pan out for me.
For now, I’ll say my good byes because I’m not sure if I will write again before it goes down or not. I will make an effort to but in case I don’t, thanks all for having read this thing and I’ll be back soon.


The Irish Fairy.

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