Feeling Sarcastic

Ugh! WTF is wrong with me today? i have no patience for much of anything. It has been all I can do not to snapp at people. Can I go backp to bed and start the day over again? It has bene a while since I have felt this way and I don’t like it at all. Luckily I have thus far been able to keep myself in check, all I’d need is to blow up at someone and then I get sent home for misconduct or something like that. I can feel the sarcasm flowing through my veins at the moment but I’m working really hard at not saying anything sarcastic. At the moment, it’s really really tough.

So, the penalty phase of the trial for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev started today. I have mixed feelings on how I think things should go for him. On the one hand I feel that he should be tortured for the rest of his life for what he has taken part in and on the other I feel they should just end his miserable life. I never wish death on anyone though, bad karma that. I am deeply saddened by what he and his brother have done and either way, Dzhokhar should be punished for his part in the bombing. It matters not if it was the influence of his older brother, he could have said no, he could have gone against him and continued his education. This guy had his whole life ahead of him and he blew it, and for what? Their mother saying that her sons are innocent, well I sort of understand that, no mother wants to think her child capable of something so horrific. She must face facts however, facts do not lie. There’s all kinds of evidence to prove her son’s guilt and now the youngest must face his crimes. The older brother who’s name I cannot thik of at the moment is somewhere on the other side laughing his arse off, you know he is. It’s sad really, he has left his younger brother to deal with this alone, some brother huh? No doubt about it though, Dzhokhar will pay, he did the crime so now he must do the time.

The penalty phase in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got underway today. | http://cbsloc.al/1K2C5pl http://pic.twitter.com/I9gARNwULk

Tonight I’m supposed to be going out with Flint and Megan to celebrate Megan’s birthday. We are going to the irish pub for dinks and dinner. They have excellent food. I haven’t heard from Flint yet so I’m hoping that it still is actually going to happen, I could use a drink.

Coming soon to this blog…new features! I won’t say yet what they are as I have to figure out how to make them work but hopefully soon I can enlighten you all as to what they are.

Well for now I’m out, I’ll write again soon.

The irish faery

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