I Want To Try My Hand At What?

Good afternoon readers.

First…happy 4/20 all!!! Light ’em up!!!
Ok, had to do it, while I haven’t par taken in the smoking of the green for a very long time I had to wish those that still do a happy stoners day. I must admit if it were legal I’d have done it yesterday. Yep, you bet i would have. I don’t care what anyone says, it helps with glaucoma which is what I have. In the past it helped greatly. I guess I just admitted that I’d do it for medicinal purposes.

This weekend was a fairly quiet one, nothing of excitement happened. Yesterday my eyes were full of pain again and the pain has been more frequent than I like. I definitely think it’s time to do something about them.

I found this of interest after watching this at a show that I went to sometime last year I believe it was. Ok, I can’t see this anymore but when I had some vision I was rivited to the television. This is something I think I’d love to do, not sure as fire is one of my biggest fears but what a way to overcome a fear right? This stuff’s amazing! Brilliant!! I’m not sure there’s a way for a blind person to do this though, are there any blind fire dancers? I’ll have to look into that. Don’t try this alone as this is meant for experienced people. Do this with super vision if you want to play with fire in this way. The flame can be harmful if one is not careful but it can also be a beautiful thing. Yeah right, now I just got to keep telling myself that, the flame is beautiful…the flame is beautiful…the flame is beautiful…
LOL! I’m done, like i said, have an interesting read.

Fire-Dancing.com: Promoting the arts of fire dancing, worldwide fire performers and fire arts training.

For more on fire dancing there’s a great article on wikipedia that is very detailed in what fire dancing is and how to start and where to get equipment. It also shows you the different apparatuses and safety that goes along with performance with the flame. Here is the wikipedia article on it that i mentioned above.


Another article about fire dancing…


The more articles I find and read, the more it seems scary. All articles point out that it is extremely dangerous to do. LOL! Gee, ya think? I still want to know if there are any blind fire performers, i’m starting to dout there are, ah well gonna look anyway.

Well, I suppose that’s all for this edition of Life According To Lily. I’ll write again soon.

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