hello, I’m tired

Good morning everybody. I am trying really hard to sleep and I can’t do it. Not exactly sure why, I’m tired as tire can be but sleep is elusive tonight. I have to get up for work in a few hours and I fear I may not make it through the day without napping at my desk. What to do? I don’t feel like making tea, although I know it would help immensely if I drink some. If there are any errors in this entry it is because I am blogging from the iPhone once again. You figure I’d learned my lesson the first time right? Apparently not! Because here I am again. Oh well, just wanted to pop in and say hi since I couldn’t sleep. I suppose I will end for now and attempt that thing we call sleep. I am working on another entry and hopefully will have it posted later on today. Anyway, until next time everyone sleep well when you go. Good night.

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