Idiot Politicians

I’m back again and extremely perturbed.

Really? Are you fecking serious!!!!! What an utter and complete idiot!

NH: Dem lawmaker proposes euthanizing the disabled

I hate politics with a passion! I hate the idiots that are politicians who are running this country. Dont’ get me wrong, there are actually some who have done some good but you have idiots like this who make suggestions based off what he said were his emotions. Listen bloody bastard, don’t blame the disabled for your states issues. Thank goodness I don’t live in your state because if I did…you’d be receiving a nice letter telling you exactly what i thought of you and your Adolf Hitler idea. Wait till one day you become old and crippled or deaf or blind or whatever you may become and maybe you’ll think twice about saying anything that asinine. I don’t care if you did apologize for that comment, you don’t say shite like that and expect people to just forgive you for that because your emotions were high or what the feck ever. You don’t deserve to be in a position of power.
I can’t believe the nerve of some people, i really can’t. Ugh! Bloody politics!

Today I will be rearranging my apartment I hope. I’m going to turn the bedroom into the living room and the living room into the bedroom. My reasoning for this is the living room will be a lot cooler in the summer due to the fact I will be putting an air conditioner in. Paul is going to come help me move the big stuff, I could do it on my own as I have done that before but with help it will go much faster. I will more than likely have sore muscles again in places that I didn’t think possibel to get sore but it will all be worth it in the end.

I just had to post that last bit as i forgot to post that in the last entry.

I’m really and truely off this time. Be well all.

The Ice Princess

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