Good afternoon readers of this mess of a blog.
Sometimes I really really hate my body. This morning I was supposed to get my arse out of bed and go apply to university for classes in the fall as I have been wanting to do for the past few months or so. Well being the traitor that my body decided that it was going to be made me awaken with a migraine today. What a fine feck you and how do you do on this lovely day. So, I injected myself with some Emetrex and took a shower. For the most part it is gone but now my orbs feel as if they are going to pop out of my head. I’m seriously considering having them removed, it’s not like they are doing me a lot of good at this point in my life. The fun part about that is I can choose whatever color I want my eyes to be, think I’ll choose to make them red, that way it will creep out people and make me laugh hysterically. No, I wouldn’t seriously do that but the thought is a funny one. It would be sort of cool to have them violet though but I’ll probably make them be green, emerald green to be exact. Right now they are blue and the green would be a fun change. Anyway, I will now be applying for classes online and pay the bloody $25 application fee, not a huge deal. I’d much rather do that and make sure I can get into the classes I want and hopefully miss the chance of them becoming full. The good thing is, if I get that done soon I can still go in the fall and not have to wait till spring. Flint will hopefully be coming over this weekend and he’ll help me with all of that stuff. If not, it’s not like I don’t know how to use a computer. LOL! I could do that on my own if I really needed to.
Currently I’m at work waiting for Flint to call me and get my lunch order. He is being nice and stopping for food for me since I missed breakfast due to my above problem. H’e is stopping by Kwick Trip do get lunch, not the healthiest thing in the world but it’s food. I could have him grab me a salad from there which I will more than likely do since I have gone on this health food kick again. I never really went off it but I was slackingt a bit. Wish me luck, I’m going to try and give up all types of pop. It’s going to be interesting to see how long I can keep that one up but I’m going to give it my best shot. I figure if I can give up smoking I can sure as hell give up drinking that stuff. I’m strong willed and stubborn. I am lioness, hear me roar. While Flint is here he is going to work on the comps here to get them all working the way the need to be, thank goodness! I won’t be the only one who can pring Grayhound tickets anymore. This means my laptop can come home with me anytime I need it to. *Cheers*.
Well I suppose I will end this for now and pay more attention to what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m soooo hungry and as the afternoon rolls on it gets busier and busier. I’m still going to do the lost tomb entry so stay tuned for that.
Bye for now…
The Ice Princess