Greetings from the laptop and not the IPhone this time.
If you read my blog you will know that my atempt at posting from my phone was a fail, not an epic fail as it did do something but it totally messed up. Blah! I’ll have to
work with the wordpress app a bit to make it work perfectly, that could be a challenge as well.
I hope everyone had a nice Easter or Ostara which ever it is you celebrate. Mine was very quiet and that’s alright because I really wasn’t feeling up to much that day
anyway. I must admit I miss the family getting together but every one has their own families now and other things to do. Sometimes growing up really bites the big one.
Yesterday I was supposed to go and register for fall classes at MSU. That didn’t happen unfortunately. I got a call from Flint telling me that he wasn’t on campus and that
he wouldn’t be because his work got canceled as well as his class. This really got to me because I’m so afraid that I’m going to miss the cut off date and I’ll have to wait
and sign up for spring semester wich I really don’t want to do. I want to get my classes started so I can have them all done. I suppose I’ll have to ask him when the cut off
date is. I will be going there tomorrow morning to sign up as long as things don’t fall through again.
There is someone trying to discourage me from going to school. When I told her I wanted to start in the fall she asked me why. I told her that I want to do this because it
will open up more job opportunities for me. No, i’m not leaving Land To Air as I love it there and the people are nice but I feel that I can do good elsewhere at the same
time. Not only that but with getting a degree in spanish translation it will help at work as well. Tami from work says I should try and learn Samali as we need lots of
translaters for them but I already have a background in spanish so going to stidk with what I already know. Anyway I digress. I’m hoping I can get signed up tomorrow,
I’ll let you all know if I did or not.
Here, have a quiz, i haven’t done one in a while so here ya go.
Your Disney Name Is: Arista Tiana |
![]() A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes |
Finally have some stories and links that caught my attention.
This is one of the most horrific things I have read in a while. How can someone do this to another human being? It brings me to tears when I read things like this. I don’t
care what the person has done, no one deserves this kind of treatment. I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy.
The Chinese Government Is Harvesting Organs From Living People Without Anesthetic Or Consent
i feel just sick over this story. If this is indeed going on, it needs to be stopped somehow. I don’t know what type of world we live in where there is such inhumane actions
that are allowed to go on. Ugh! I can’t think about it anymore.
So, i hate flying, it terrifies me. I always am wondering how the plane is staying up in the air the whole time I’m on the flight. I try to bring music and things that can
keep me distracted so I don’t get too worked up about it. It doesn’t always work, just sayin. Anyway I came across this on twitter today and wanted to share it. I laughed so
hard. If I had a flight attendant like this I think I’d be much more relaxed while flying. Have a laugh.
Hilarious Southwest Flight Attendant San Francisco to Chicago on 6 17 14 – YouTube –
I really like this song but I’m pretty sure that I never want to hear this version again. The creater of this file did well, i’ll give them that but oh man. For all of my blind
friends out there, have this…LOL! If you are sighted and you are reading this, what you are about to hear is one of our screen readers singing.
ETI-Eloquence, sings Avicii’s Wake me up.
After hearing that are you all as disturbed as i was? If not, good for you for sticking that out.
As wierd as this story is I found it rather interesting.
I Thanked The Man Who Killed My Friend
Now because I’m in to the supernatural and the paranormal, have this article.
I Think I Accidentally Invited Something To Permanently Stay At This Place I’m Housesitting
Ok darlins, untill next time I’m out. In the next upcoming entry we will be reading about a lost toomb. Who’s you ask? Well stay tuned and find out. *giggles*.
The Ice Princess