Things That Anger and Frighten Me

Greetings readers.

So, trying to keep up with writing in this thing. Have an article or two.

This article comes from @ThoughtCatalog from twitter.

A Man Fed His Pregnant Girlfriend Abortion Pills He Snuck Into A Smoothie

After reading this article I am disgusted and totally and completely outraged! Who the bloody hell does he think he is deciding whether or not that innocent baby lives or dies? That was not his fecking decision to make. Just because he didn’t want to take responsibility for something he did, what a arsehole!! what a fecking utter arsehole! i hope that when that trial went to court that they got him for murder 1. That was a human life growing inside of that poor woman, she had no idea it was happening. i don’t give a feck if he showed remorse, he should have never done it. He could have at least walked away and turned out to be one of those deadbeat dads that we hear about all of the time…at least the little wee one would have had a chance at life…it would have had one parent who loved and wanted him or her. I’m so angry I can’t think right now. UGH!!! *throws hands up in disgust and anger*.

This Unedited Footage Of A Demonic Posession During A Ouija Board Session Is Terrifying

This is one of the main reasons that I no longer mess with the ouija board. Think this is fake? Well i’m here to tell you that it is not. the ouija is nothing but pure evil. You guys can think that I am crazy if you like but i know that I am not as I have had an experience that made me turn away from this way of having what I thought of as fun or something that was stupid to pass the time. No this is not me in the video but I’ll tell you all about what happened to me.
During my high school years a friend of mine had a ouija board. One day to pass the time we decided to mess around with it. Nothing happened at all and so I became a huge skeptic of them. All i had heard from people was you really shouldn’t be dabbling around wit hthose they are evil and nothing good has ever come from doing so. i didnt’ beleive it as like I said, nothing happened. In fact over the few years that I did play with ouija, I never got weird feelings or anything from it so I figure what everyone was saying was total and utter bullocks. i had heard stories from others about things they went through and all i could think was, What a crock.
There was a story about how these people were playing with the board and they decided to put a statue of Jesus on the triangle that you hold and it moves on it’s own supposedly. i myself have never held onto the triangle while it was on the board so I don’t know for certain how you move it or what it does, i have held it and have seen visually what it looks like but never had my hand on it while it was on the ouija board itself. Anyway, apparently the triangle shook so hard that it made the statue fall and it broke into tiny pieces. When i heard this I thought how the bloody hell could it do that, i reckoned that the person/persons made that happen. i couldnt’ wrap my head around it knowing and believing the things that I do…it was just strange and foreign to me.
One of my best friends and her siblings had one and they used to mess with it all of the time. She told me things that happened when she and her brothers and sisters had messed with it. It was creeepy but still I was a skeptic till one night while i was in college…I was proven wrong…this is my story and a true one.
My friend and i at the time were extremely bored and looking for something to do. She mentioned to me that she had a ouija board and I laughed at her and asked are you serious? She asked me why i was laughing and I said everyone knows they are fake and just plain stupid. She kept telling me that it wasn’t and that if I felt that way let’s just do it for fun. I agreed. We set up in my dorm room, lights off, no windows or doors open at all and the board set up in the middle of my floor. WE had a candle lit in the middle of the board, we could see the moonlight shining in through my dorm window. She sat and was asking it questions and I was feeling a bit bored and at the same time I was starting to get the feeling we weren’t alone. She kept swearing to me that she wasn’t moving the triangle, that it was moving on it’s own. I said yeah right, you are too moving it. She said if you don’t believe me, put your hand on mine and I’ll show you that i’m very very lightly touching it. I put my hand atop of hers and of course it moved, i couldn’t believe still that she had no part in moving the thing. I began to say how stupid this was and how there is no spirit and that if there was it wasn’t very powerful and things like that. She kept warning me to stop saying things to piss it off, I laughed and just kept goading it. my phone rang and so I answered it, there was no one on the line, all I heard was breathing and so I hung up on it. She told me that the spirit made my phone ring and I said yeah right. i said if you made my phone ring, do it again. The phone rang and when I answered it all i heard was deep breathing. i hung up and said that was just coincidence. My friend by this time was getting irritated with me because i wasn’t believing it. My phone rang a third time and again the same thing as the previous two. By this time I’m feeling kind of freaked out and thought maybe there was something to this after all. I sat down on the floor in front of the board and looked directly at it and began swearing and cursing at it and telling it that it was nothing, it was fake and just a stupid child’s toy. Big mistake. As soon as I said the bit about the toy, the candle went out and I felt like I was paralized for a split second. There was a gust of wind that blew through the room and mind you there were no windows open and no dorrs open. i told my friend to light the candle, i kept telling her to relight the candle and she couldn’t get it to light again. I then told her to turn on the light, she said I can’t move. I’m like come on quit playing, turn on the light. I was so scared at this point. What I didn’t realize until she told me after the whole experience was that she couldn’t move at all, she was paralized. When I looked at her all i could see was this really really white face looking back at me. That’s all i could see in the dark, we could no longer see the moonlight coming in through the window either. Just pure darkness, it was very frightening. I screamed and as soon as I did my friend was able to move again. She jumped up and turned on the lights. I immediately demanded she remove the board from my dorm room, I wanted no more to do with it. She didn’t want to touch it so we both ran to her dorm room and slept there for the night. i told her she had to get rid of it, she had to destroy it. After it was no longer in my room, I did everything I could to clens it. She was so freaked out5 by the experience she removed to board from the dorms altogether. I’m not sure what she did with it but it wasn’t in my presence anymore and that I was glad for. It was something that neither one of us wanted to repeat, ever.
Because of this, i have no desire to mess with those things again. You may think i’m nuts and that I’m making this up but believe me, it is true. I would not make up something like this. In my oppinion the ouija board is evil and i plan to stay far far away from them.

i hope you all had a happy and safe St. Patrick’s day. Mine was ok, i stayed home and talked with friends instead of going out. i was ok with it, sort of. Cabs would have been terrible to try and get so yeah.

I found out today that we have a new irish pub here in Mankato. I’m so excited! i’m going to go and check it out after work tomorrow. I’m going to see how authentic it is. I’ll let you know what i think of it.

Well, time for me to head off. I’ll write again soon.

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