First Post Of 2015

*Sigh*. It’s been forever ago since i last posted here. I missed Thanksgiving, Xmas eve and day, New Years eve and day and Valentine’s day. I’m not going to go back and rehash those holidays because i believe that ship has sailed and has gone far far away, we’ll just keep letting it sail off into the setting sun. Ok? Ok…good, moving right along…

St. Patrick’s day is coming up next Tuesday. The fun part about this is i don’t have to work the next day so saying, “celebrate good times, come on!” I’m planning to do just that. Drink of choice? Jameson’s and some Bailey’s. Jameson’s is for doing shots and Bailey’s for my coffee. i do know how to make a good irish coffee and will do for the little celebration. I don’t yet know if Flint is going to be able to join me or not. If not I will more than likely be alone and will do a show either way and play lots of irish music. i can usually manage to have fun on this day no matter what I’m doing. The acception of course is for last year. Not going back there because if i think about it, it doesn’t really even matter anymore.
No matter what you all do on St. Paddy’s day, I hope you all have lots of fun and drink lots of green beer.

Ozzy and Luna are both growing and getting older. luna will be two on the 29th of this month and Ozzy just turned 12 on January 1. The unfortunate thing for Oz is that he’s beginning to get really stiff. The other day he was having trouble climbing onto Deborah’s lap and this made me very sad to hear. i got him these cat treats that are supposed to help his joints but he absolutely hates them. Currently I’m searching for an alternative to the treats. i’m not ready to lose him, I’m not ready for him to go. Ozzy has been with me through some very depressing times in my life and when it is time for him to go it will be a very hard day so I try not to think about it. I know i have to face reality and there will come the day when he will leave me but for now I will help him in any way I can.
Back to Luna, she is still hell on four paws but I love her to pieces. She is extremely attached to me and if I ever had to give her up I’m not sure she’d survive it. I mean she’d survive but it may take her a long time to get used to her surroundings and the new person she would have to endure for the rest of her life. That is in no danger of happening but just writing down thoughts and things that have bene on my mind lately and both of my feline children have been on my mind for a while.

Back in December I took a trip to Kansas to meet someone, I’ll leave her name out because I don’t want her name to be drug through the mud. i believe she is a good person still no matter what and eventually I will try and be friends with her again but at this point in my life I can’t do it. Anyway, Kansas was really fun! We went to the mall there and they had this totally mag store that had all kinds of Beatles and rocker memorabilia that was really cool. They had other things too but the Beatles and Elvis stuff was what I was most interested in. We also went to Pay Less and i found a really cool pair of shoes there, big surprise there, right? What can i say, I’m a huge shoe fanatic, I could spend my money on worse things, yes?
The next day we went and had dinner with her sister. It rained like crazy most of that day. I was supposed to leave the next morning but there was an issue with one of the buses, it had to go through a blizard and got there late so i ended up staying there an extra day. For lunch we went to this really awesome burger place that I can no longer remember the name of. This makes me sad as the place was really good. I ended up leaving that evening and got home the next morning. I really really missed Kansas after that and the people there but at the same time I was glad to be home. Looking back on the trip I missed it for a while there but now I can’t think of going there again just because of how things turned out. It makes me really sad to think back on fun times when things end badly. I will always have the memories and will charish them always but i will never allow myself to be put in a position where I am that unguarded again. It hurts way too badly. This is why i have taken the name of Ice Princess. I feel that if I can turn off my emotions it would hurt less when someone tramples all over your heart. So, cold i shall become and maybe I can get tback to some sense of normacy.
Time to let this subject drop.

I’d like to wish all of the new couples out there a congrats for hooking up together. To those who have recently broken up, hold on, there is someone out there for you, remember that. To the idiots who take back people who put yu in debt? Have fun trying to get out of debt…again…and staying out of debt…just sayin.
New topic?

Work’s going well. I still have the same job I have had for the past just over four years now. Yes, I still love my job, no, I don’t plan on leaving it any time soon unless something super dramatic happens and i have to, yes, I still have my days where i get frustrated but who doesn’t? I think right now the only thing that has me frustrated is that my schedule isn’t a set schedule. i suppose the positive to this is that it keeps life interesting. LOL! I’m still wanting to find a second job though to help with the loss of income I took when my hours were cut.

I have decided that in the fall I will go back to school. I will still have my job as well but going back to school will help in the long run I think. I’m going to get my interpreting certificate which will open up more opportunities for me. I’m going to be an interpreter for Spanish speaking persons. Not only will it be a fun thing to do but there’s money in there. i can’t wait for this new endeavor to begin.

In the coming months I will be taking a couple of vacations, once I do I’ll let you all know how they went and where they were to. Until then it will be work as usual and hanging out with friends around here and on TeamTalk.

Before I forget, happy pie day to all!

To end this entry, i shall leave you with a recipe for St. Patrick’s day. Who needs McDonalds? We’ve got Crystal and where ever she found this, have a shamrock shake.

D I Y shamrock shakes


3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon mint extract
Green food color gel or paste recommended
2 cups whipped cream


1. Combine the ice cream, milk, mint extract and food coloring in a blender and pulse until combined. Add more green food coloring as desired.
2. Transfer the shakes to serving glasses, then top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately.

“May the love and protection Saint Patrick can give, Be yours in abundance as long as you live!” IrishBlessing
“May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace. May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.” #IrishBlessing
“May strong arms hold you, caring hearts tend you, and may love await you at every step.” – Irish Blessing
“May the luck of the Irish be always with you, And may each and every coming day, bring some special joy to cheer you.” #IrishBlessing

I will be back again as soon as i have something to write about.

The Ice Princess

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