Just Another Saturday In The Neighborhood

Greetings to you all. Well it’s another Saturday and here i sit doing absolutely nothing with my life. I’m on a mudd called Prometheus and listening to 80’s hair bands, it’s great fun!! Hey I work all week so I think it’s fair for me to do nothing if i so choose on a Saturday. …

Things That Anger and Frighten Me

Greetings readers. So, trying to keep up with writing in this thing. Have an article or two. This article comes from @ThoughtCatalog from twitter. A Man Fed His Pregnant Girlfriend Abortion Pills He Snuck Into A Smoothie http://tcat.tc/1xizE0b http://pic.twitter.com/DBNSt1AlMX After reading this article I am disgusted and totally and completely outraged! Who the bloody hell …

First Post Of 2015

*Sigh*. It’s been forever ago since i last posted here. I missed Thanksgiving, Xmas eve and day, New Years eve and day and Valentine’s day. I’m not going to go back and rehash those holidays because i believe that ship has sailed and has gone far far away, we’ll just keep letting it sail off …