Happy Halloween/Samhain!


I know i just posted an entry earlier this morning or was it last night? I can’t remember, that’s not good when i can’t remember. I think I’ll blame it on lack of sleep. Yeah, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I just wanted to update to say to those who celebrate, happy Halloween! To those like myself who celebrate Samhain, I hope you have a blessed one. I’ve got lots to do this morning in preparation for tonight’s festivities. Stay safe everyone and if you are in the colder places bundle up and be sure your little ghosts and gobblins stay warm as well. If you adults are planning to party and you are sighted, don’t drink and drive, arive alive. To my blind friends, don’t drink and cane, or don’t drink and dog. :D.

Ok, I’m off but before I do, I leave you with a couple of quizzes.

First a couple of Halloween quizzes. Fun fun!

You Should Be a Pirate for Halloween

You simply have to have the most unique, elaborate, and amazing costume.
You tend to hop from party to event, making sure everyone checks you out.

Costume suggestions: A geisha, samurai, fairy, or pirate

Signature Halloween candy: Skittles

Scary movie you should celebrate Halloween with: The Shining

And one more Halloween quiz.

You Should Be a Vampire for Halloween

You are charming and even a bit seductive. People are inexplicably drawn to you.
When you get dressed up for Halloween, you really don’t have to give it much thought. The right idea just seems to come to you.

You are powerful and alluring. You like to play hard to get… you always lave people wanting more.
You are a dangerous person, and that’s part of your appeal. Others know they should stay away from you, but they just can’t help themselves.

One that isn’t Halloween.

You Are the Counselor Friend

When times are tough, you are the one that your friends turn to. You are constantly putting out fires and solving problems.
You are a compassionate listener and a rational advice giver. Your friends know that you will put their interests first.

You enjoy being there for others, and counseling your friends gives you a sense of purpose. You like to make a difference.
At times, you may feel like your relationships are a bit one sided. You need at least one friend who can be there for you the way you’re there for others.

Have a great day all.

<3<3<3Peace, light and love<3<3<3


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