Down days

Hi everyone. Just writing with nothing much to report. I have been feeling down for the past few days and I am not sure why. Sometimes I feel like all I need to do is have a good cry and then I will feel much better. I have not managed to accomplish a good cry yet but maybe I will. I am working on a longer entry and will finish it just as soon as I don’t feel like the whole world is crashing down around me. I am not even sure why I feel this way but I do. I hope you all are doing well, I think I am off for the rest of the night to contemplate life and the universe. See you next entry. Would make this one a little bit longer but I am messaging from my iPhone. Wait, I don’t mean messaging, I mean posting. See? I am out of it. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and things always look brighter in the morning or at least that is what they say. Here is hoping. Good night.

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