Saying hi, nothing more

Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop in here via the iPhone to say hello and to let everyone know I am still alive. I will soon be posting an entry about my birthday weekend very soon. This week has been a very long and tiring one as work consumed most of the week. I don’t mind all of the hours however because it gives me more money on my paycheck. I lost my Music drive because of a hard drive failure. This means for no no music, and no shows. This makes me very very sad. Music is basically most of my entire life. I don’t know what I would do without it. I am very tired and so I will close for now. Good night to all. I will write again soon. If I don’t talk to you some of you, have a great weekend. Tomorrow is Saturday and I have to work from 10 until four. That’s okay, I don’t mind. Working gives me something to do and I did not have anything planned for the weekend really. Anyway, good night

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