iPhone test

Hi all, I just wanted to see if I could come and post from the iPhone once again. I tried this before but things did not work out very well for me. Hopefully no it will work again and I would like to post from the iPhone from time to time. Hope you all are doing well. I am just enjoying the day off and waiting for the rain to quit so I can go out and spend time with nature. Right now I am just listening to music and thinking about the show that I am going to be doing tonight I’m seem expire FM. It is called the 90s rewind. It’s a rather fun show to do and people seem to enjoy it which is pretty cool. Anyway I will end for now and I will write again later. I would also like to announce that any typing mistakes that are in this entry are courtesy of dictation from the iPhone. Usually if I’m writing it myself I correct on my typos however with dictation it is a bit harder to do unless you are not lazy however I feel like being that way today. LOL! Okay seriously now, I am gone.

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