Belated Easter & Other Life’s Happenings

Well, I will say a good afternoon as currently that’s what it is here.

First I’d like to wish you all a belated happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. To those who don’t, I hope you had fun with family and friends. I hope you all ate lots of chocolate and got full with whatever it was you decided to eat for the day.
I didn’t do much at all for Easter. I hung with friends which was fun, I always have fun hanging out with my friends though. We didn’t have Easter dinner or anything like that but since it was way too nice to spend indoors, we hung out outdoors in the Gazebo just talking and whatnot. Cassi made me almost cry because she told me that I am like a sister to her. I was like, “Oh yay! I got sister status!” That made me feel really good. She told me that she’d do anything for me and I told her that I felt the same way. It’s so nice to have friends like that. Now I just wish I could get all my sisters together and hang out. Yay for friends who are like sisters!

For those of you who I may not have told, I know that I told some of you, my friend Mary has cancer and is not doing well at all. right now they have her on an extended hospice. She is getting worse. She seems to be getting weaker and weaker by the day. I saw her the day before yesterday and it nearly killed me to see her in such a state. You can hear in her voice that she is just really sick. She doesn’t like to talk about it though and I can totally understand it. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t want to talk about it all the time either. When Mary is around we joke and laugh as much as possible. Mary still has a great sense of humor and it’s so good to hear her laugh. Rene was talking to Mary and Mary told her that her blood pressure is so high that it could be anytime that she has a stroke or something like that. Usually when Mary is outside with us she can sit with us for a while but Sunday she couldn’t handle it for very long at all. I felt as if I were going to burst into tears at any moment but I wasn’t going to while she was down with us, I simply refused. I didn’t nor do I ever want her to see me cry because of my sadness over her. Before she left to go back indoors she gave me a big hug and said, “my good girl, my good girl, so sweet. Don’t ever change.” That was my undoing. I held the tears in until Rene walked her inside to make shure she was going to make it back to her apartment. As i sit here writing this now I feel like crying just thinking about it. Mary is one of the most kind, sweet, funny fun people I’ve ever met and it is unfair that she is being taken away from her family and friends. Cassi and I just lost it and when Rene came back out she lost it too. Rene and I hugged and she kept telling me it was going to be all right. I’m not sure who she was trying to convince, herself or me. We both know that it isn’t going to be all right, well it will be but it won’t. The good thing is that Mary will be in a much better place than she is now. She won’t suffer anymore from the cancer.
I have lost so many to cancer and I’m not sure that they are any closer to finding a cure for it. I hope one day that they do find a cure because this disease is the most horrible. Jim, my father, my cousin and now I will lose Mary. I lost friends when I was too young to fully understand cancer, I had friends die from lukemia, just kids in the first grade and in kindergarten. It’s so unfair, just not fair. Even if they don’t find a cure in my life time, I really hope they do.

I got a raise! I got a raise! Yep, you read that correctly, I! GOT! A! FRIGGIN! 25! CENT! RAISE!
My boss told us that he put in for raises for everyone and that the drivers were the only ones to get approved for one, they got one last year as well and the office workers did not. It was really disappointing but Barb and I just dealt with it instead of complaining because let’s face it, what could we do, right? Well this time Jason decided to just give us one even though corporate didn’t approve it. I’m wondering if he did it because of the minimum wage going up. I don’t care why, I’m just happy he did it. It doesn’t seem like much I know but I’m thankful for it. I just hope that he doesn’t get into trouble with them. He just wants us to all be equals I think. He’s such an awesome boss.

I don’t understand why people have to be so homophobic. You can’t help who you fall in love with and as long as you are happy, why should others care. It’s not like a gay/lesbian/bisexual is going to hit on a straight person. Ok, I take that back. Some may to have a bit of fun but if the person says, “Hey I don’t mind your lifestyle but I’m not into all that,” fine, we accept that and understand. I have fun hitting on Cassi all the time but she takes it so well and some times she will flirt back. Thing is I know she’s straight and I respect her for that. She respects me for being bi so why shouldn’t I? Not everyone thinks the way I do though, i understand this. I just feel there should be a lot more acceptance and less judgement. My co-worker says “but it says this and says that in the bible.” I know what it says in the bible but if God loves all of his children why would he pass jusgement on the people who are gay/lesbian/bi? After all were we all not created in his image?

I got this from @ThoughtCatalog on twitter. They are worth the follow, trust me. I know, famous last words but trust me.
This article made me feel so sad and at the same time it made me want to throw things. This mother ticked me off soooo bad. The idiocy of some parents never ceases to piss me off. I won’t tell you what it said but if you do decide to read it you’ll see what I mean. It does have a happy ending though, it’s just getting through the stuff before it.

Hell Literally Exists

I miss broadcasting sooo badly. I’m hoping I can get my SPL set up soon so that I can grace the airwaves with my presence once again. I have applied at another station and will be happy to test soon to see if i make it on there. I won’t reveal which station I have applied at for the moment, if I get accepted I will let you all know. I know some of you already know but the rest don’t. :D. I will still be around my old stations as well but am addign a new one or at least hoping to add a new one. Wish me luck, I really want to make it on there.

Well, I am going to end this entry and get ready to do the end of day stuff at work. Barb and I are hoping to be out of here by 4:30 today and if we have anything to say about it, we will be.

I’ll write again soon, I think. Oh and for those of you that were reading my Harry Potter fanfic, no I have not given up on it. I am working on another chapter and hope to have it posted soon. I’m not abandoning it, I swear.


Love always,
Lily the leprechaun

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